18. Nothing Serious

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"Girl, I'm sooo sorry," is the first thing that my best friend Janaé has said to me once I had opened my newly fixed door to my apartment to her

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"Girl, I'm sooo sorry," is the first thing that my best friend Janaé has said to me once I had opened my newly fixed door to my apartment to her.

And all I could really think while looking at that girl's battered face was that she was still my friend, even after how she had betrayed me. I mean, me and Janaé go back a really long way. Sis is like family to me, and I love her.

Which is exactly why what she did had honestly hurt so badly.

"Just hurry up and come in, Janaé," I grudgingly say, stepping aside and allowing her to make her way in.

Two weeks later...

My cell phone rings, and I roll my eyes when I see the white boy's name on the caller ID.

Incoming: Em

Yes, I have updated his name from THE ASSHOLE to just Em, y'all.

Don't really know why, because it's not like I have any plans whatsoever to keep talking to this man.

Because like... my life is already complicated enough.

Ever since everything that I've been through lately, I haven't really trusted anybody, and I've pretty much stayed to myself.

I didn't know how to trust anyone anymore, you guys, because it seems like everybody in my life always lies to me or betrays me in some way.

I've pretty much barricaded myself at my apartment, after having the door that Suge Knight and his goons had kicked in fixed and reinforced, installing some sort of a top notch brand new security system on it.

And speaking of security, I had to also replace literally like my whole team, just because of what Janaé had told me that day about some of my previous bodyguards possibly secretly working for Jeffrey. Which I absolutely hated doing because like... what about those dudes working for me that were actually loyal to ME? Getting rid of them right along with the potential bad apples was wrong of me, and I still feel sort of guilty about having had done it, but then, after everything that I've been through lately, I just couldn't afford to put myself in any danger, even if I hated feeling so weak and so cowardly.

I am still keeping Janaé around though, despite of her snaking me like she did.

I mean, I literally couldn't care less if she was seeing Jeffrey behind my back, even of the whole behind my back part does bother me a little bit. But the thing is, I always knew how she felt about him, and I was literally encouraging it. My two best friends hooking up and living happily ever after together would actually be pretty cool.

But my thing is, once she found out about what Jeffrey did to me, and she STILL went to him AFTER knowing that, that's what's hurt me so much, because that's not what friends do.

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