42. Happy Birthday

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Today was baby Whitney's first birthday party, so naturally, I flew back to Detroit

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Today was baby Whitney's first birthday party, so naturally, I flew back to Detroit.

Technically, it's only her half-birthday, as she's turning 6 months old, but I've heard somewhere that that's literally a thing so fuck it, I'm throwing her a party anyhow.

Simultaneously taking a whole week off of my schedule in the process, putting the last touches on the album be damned, cause I've really missed all of my daughters, and now I intend to spend more time with them.

And Kim and myself, we have put some of our differences aside to really plan this for the girl's sake, more for Hai and Lainey's sakes really, it being that they are the ones most excited for this birthday party, Whit barely even understanding what it actually is, if at all, but you know me, I've always been a sucker for making my daughters happy.

So, it is currently on.

Balloons, corny ass clowns performing tricks for the kids, I have rented this huge ass venue, the whole nine.

And everybody closed to either me and Kim are currently present too, all of my ex-wives friends, and all of my entourage.

And, of course, my pregnant girlfriend as well.

Which initially irritated the fuck out of Kim.

Bitch had the nerve to ask me why would I invite my little mistress here, considering that she ain't even close to Whit like that.

Needless to say, I had told her to go fuck herself.

Both Hailie and Alaina absolutely adore Rory after all, and back in the day, that used to infuriate me, but now? As corny of a motherfucker as it makes me sound, now I'm happy as shit that my daughters like her so much. This honestly is the kind of shit I could never ask for. Hell, could never hope for even. The girls that I love most in complete awe of the woman I love most. Fuck kinda shit is that, somebody must be pranking me or some shit, right?!

And Rory is visibly pregnant too, and the two of us have recently broken the news to my daughters, Alaina being so excited right off the bat, while Hai, it took her a while to accept that dad is about to have yet another baby, she was feeling insecure about the whole thing for a quick second, but now, now she's happy to have a new brother or sister.

Aurora and myself, we still don't know the sex of the baby, by the way. I had wanted to find out right away, just so I could plan everything for my kid, how the nursery is gonna look like, what kind of toys to buy for them, stuff like that.

But this stubborn ass chick that I'm with, the same one I happen to love so goddamn much for some strange reason, she won't have that at all.

Aurora refuses to find out the sex of our baby, she wants it to be a surprise for us, but little does she know, I had secretly paid off one of the doctors, and I would in fact find out in a matter of days.

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