46. The Ultimatum

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"Hi, baby boy," I say softly to my little boy, my son, as I sit down in front of the glass separating me from his precious chubby little form, my heart fillling both with all of the love I feel for him and the joy of having him, heavily mixed up w...

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"Hi, baby boy," I say softly to my little boy, my son, as I sit down in front of the glass separating me from his precious chubby little form, my heart fillling both with all of the love I feel for him and the joy of having him, heavily mixed up with fear and worry for him.

Marshall Junior was born two days ago, and also about a month and a half too early from when he had actually been due.

I had gone into labor completely unexpectedly, the prematurity of it likely caused, as I was told by the doctors and nurses, by being constantly under stress.

Which, if you haven't already guessed, there's a very specific reason for me being constantly stressed.

Jeffrey still hasn't regained his memory enough to point out Marshall as the one that's put the bullet in his head.

Still, there's always a possibility that one day he just might, and the guilt of it all was literally killing me.

I am the one, after all, that's wanted Jeffrey dead so badly, but I realize now that I didn't actually mean it, it was just my anger speaking, not any rational part of me.

Because if I was rational, then I would've thought about the consequences of my actions, and I would've never encourage Marshall, egg him on even, to do what he eventually did.

Now, my man might end up in prison over this, and I never wanted this, Jeffrey's vile self not even worth it.

And Em keeps telling me to not even worry about it, but I just know that deep down inside, the white boy is worried himself.

It is his biggest fear after all to be one day separated from all of the people he actually cares about and loves.

His daughters.

Oh my God, what have I done?!

Those were the thoughts that kept on running through my head nonstop, ever since that day we've found out that Ja was still alive.

I worry for Marshall, and I was thinking about going to the cops and telling them I did it.

But Em damn near locked me up in a room chained to the bed once he even caught wind of me wanting to do something like this. He's made me promise that I won't.

Then he, himself, was contemplating simply getting back to Ja and finishing the job.

Paul Rosenberg told him to not even think of anything like that or say it out loud.

Just sit tight.

So we all did.

Paul had said to us that it was very important for us to maintain a facade of normalcy, doing things exactly how we used to do them before, going on about our daily lives.

So, on the day I've suddenly gone into labor, I was actually singing on stage.

Big pregnant belly and all, I obviously couldn't do any of my usual dance routines, I was sat on a stool, playing the piano as I sang Unthinkable, one of my newest singles.

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