29. Not The Type To Bring Home To Mama

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Marshall's P.O.V 

Standing in the recording booth, I calmly lay my verse as Aurora just watches me

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Standing in the recording booth, I calmly lay my verse as Aurora just watches me.

I can tell that the shit that I spit on record makes her sort of uneasy, but ayo, I been told her, if I was gon jump on a track with her, shit ain't gonna be sweet. Not she's seeing it for herself.

Not that her original song was even all that cute in the first place, fuck nah, it wasn't. And it's been part of what's originally attracted me to it in the first place. I liked the whole dysfunctional as shit vibe, you know?

"Wow. I mean, Jesus Christ, Marshall," Aurora now sighs.

I smirk, eyeing her through the glass of the booth, totally ignoring the still present sound engineer who just shakes his head.

"Told you that's how it's about to be, baby girl. But hold up, I gotta mix and re-record some things," I then ass, emerging from the booth and sitting at the soundboard, playing with the controls on it.

"Re-record? Re-record for what, Em, it like... sounded really good," Aurora now tells me, taking a seat at one of the rolling chairs next to me.

I look at her and smirk.

"Aw, baby girl, you have no idea."

And she really don't.

But she soon finds out.

And she's annoyed as fuck with me, she stands over me pouting.

"Em," she whines out.

I smirk as I look up at her, "Yeah, baby?"

"Do you really have to do all of that?" She then taps her foot impatiently like a small child.

I smirk to myself once again, I mean, the chick did want me to hop on a song with her, now she's experiencing the consequences of all that, I mean... did she really thought shit was gonna be easy?

Nah, dawg, I strive for perfection always, no matter what i do, and her ass should've been known it.

"Jesus Christ, your verse is already good, Marshall," Aurora now signs, rolling her eyes at me. She goes to sit at the board with me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Probably the most affection she's shown me ever since that whole groupie girl incident.

Which is annoying as fuck.

Cause all I did was have that slut sit on my lap, it ain't like I had fucked her.

"Good, not great, baby," I know smirk as I correct her.

Aurora then scoffs, rolling her eyes at me.

"God, you are annoying as all hell," she says softly, looking up at me.

"I'll take it", I shrug, while still continuing to tune my verse just right, adding some new lines in my notepad for when I want to do it over.

"By the way, Marshall," Aurora now says sweetly to me, leaning over me once again.

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