14. Disloyal

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Aurora's P.O.V.

On the plane...

I flip my phone closed and exit the restroom, immediately met with Jeffrey's impatient looking face

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I flip my phone closed and exit the restroom, immediately met with Jeffrey's impatient looking face.

"Fuck was you doing in there for so long, girl?" He questions me.

"Um..  oh, I don't know, Ja, maybe using the bathroom?" I then ask him sarcastically.

I then walk back into the common areas with Jeffrey trailing close behind me.

Sitting prettily on one of the cushioned seats on the private jet, securing my seat belt in place, attempting to look as calm as I possibly could.

While the whole time? The whole time my heart continues to thumb in my chest like a small frog or something.

My eyes instantly focusing on those three dudes sitting with Suge, who now nods at me.

"Hey, beautiful. You good?" Suge Knight asks me, causing a chill to run down my spine as I swallow, feeling this tension to build up everywhere in my body. I feel like I want to dry heave all over again.

"Never better," I then force myself to say softly in response with a slight roll of my eyes.

The plane takes off.

Jeffrey plopping down on the seat next to me and throwing one arm over my shoulder, I've got absolutely no doubt on my mind that those three huge men with Suge are the ones that attacked me.

The question is why.

And also, how the hell am I supposed to like... survive this plane ride with them on board.

I mean, obviously,  they have absolutely no idea that I know. Or I would've been freaking dead already.

I wonder if Ja knows...

But no. He can't possibly know.

Jeffrey wouldn't knowingly chill with the dudes that beat me up, violated me, and have always taken my life, he wouldn't do that.

So I need to tell him somehow, because he needs to know!

Ja needs to realize the kind of company he's keeping, and hopefully, he would cut them niggas off once he does find out.

In the meantime, I just need to play it cool and pretend as though I don't know a thing...

So I just sit next to Jeffrey and Janaé, with a drink in my hand that a flight attendant has just provided for us. A nice glass of red wine to be specific, which I continuously taking small sips from.

My eyes never quite leaving Suge and those three goons of his, sat right next to him.

I feel cornered and trapped, and scared.

Like... if say any other those dudes had wanted to attack me again right now on this very second, I would literally not even have anywhere to run to right now.

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