28. Indulge

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Standing in front of the punching bag at the basement of my LA home, I then proceed to throw a couple of punches at it

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Standing in front of the punching bag at the basement of my LA home, I then proceed to throw a couple of punches at it.

Then some more.

And some more.

Moving around it, pouncing around the damn thing like I'm Mike Tyson or some shit, I continue to jab at the damn bag.

Most people don't know this about me, but I like to box. Not professionally or nothing, but I know how to throw a heavy-landing punch here and there, shit's always made me feel better, yo.

After a while, sweat starts to trickle down my brow and into my eyes, but I ignore it, I just keep on going.

And it feels good, not even gonna lie.

And once I'm finally done, I grab one of the towels hanging from the rack, wiping my face with it.

I lick my slightly cracked lips, pulling my boxing gloves off one by one, staring at my knuckles and flexing them.

The sound of a ringing phone interrupting my thoughts.

"Yo?" I flip the small device open without looking at it.

"Hi, Em," Aurora's small, soft spoken voice instantly fucking me up.

"Oh, look who's finally decided to call me. You ready to stop fronting now, Princess?" I then chuckle onto the phone, picking up one of my boxing gloves with my other hand and examine it.

I swear, this goddamn chick and her stuck up ways...

"Um, no," she replies back, just as non-chalant, and as soft-spoken as ever.

I swear to fuck man, I can't stand this goddamn girl, and I'd like to strangle her so bad.. while fucking the shit outta her, making her scream my name real fucking loud, of course.

But that's only on second thought.

And as they often say, the devil is always in the details, right?!

Truth be told, Aurora don't stay with me no more.

Ever since us falling out slightly a few days earlier, she's moved into an LA hotel, it being that she's actually not ready to go back to her old place, the memory of finding that friend of hers brutally murdered in there still lingering heavily on her mind, which, to be frank, is understandable, Aurora simply couldn't go back there. But she had refused to stay with me too, all cause of that stunt I had pulled with that groupie chick.

Which frankly, wasn't even shit, yo. Cause I mean, for all of the trouble that there had caused me, I might as well had fucked the slut, only I never have.

But long story short, Aurora's been staying at some hotel the past few days, but we still talk.

"So, I take it I'm still at a doghouse then," I grumble, clenching my jaw.

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