5. Chill The Fuck Out

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Aurora's P.O.V.

The deadly silence in the room is then interrupted by Em chuckling nervously as he walks up to where his brother is standing holding his daughter's hand, and he picks her up and lifts her into his arms

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The deadly silence in the room is then interrupted by Em chuckling nervously as he walks up to where his brother is standing holding his daughter's hand, and he picks her up and lifts her into his arms.

"Hai, I ain't make Aurora mad at all, cause I'm actually cool with her. In fact, Aurora and I are real good friends, ain't we, Aurora," he then says to me, kissing the top of the little girl's head, ice grilling me real hard as he does this, clearly wanting me to go along with what he's just said to his daughter.

I smile, but I don't say anything.

Honestly, this is a really crazy and awkward situation, because never in a million years have I expected for his kid to be there.

And like... I want to say something and blow Em's spot up so badly, but at the same time, his daughter is innocent, so does she really deserve to know that her dad is a piece of shit?? And at such a young age too??

"But daddy, she looked so angry with you," the little girl softly says, looking at her dad's face with huge blue eyes, identical to his own. She then glances at me shyly, then looks back to Em again. "Mommy looks at you like that sometimes, when you guys are... upset with each other," Hailie Jade then whispers sadly, lowering her eyes.

"Nah, baby girl..." Em says in this strangely stangled low tone of voice and he looks absolutely defeated for a few seconds, and there's like... an almost pained expression on his face and so much softness in his eyes when he gazes down at his daughter.

"It ain't even like that, honey, I promise you that," he then kisses her cheek and lowers the little girl back down, making her seat at a tall chair near the soundboard, her legs dangling from it. "Okay?" He then bends to her level for a few seconds.

"Okay, daddy," Hailie Jade smiles.

Em then straightens up and the moment his eyes land back on me again, the same anger is very clear in them that he is so well known for. His jaw clenches, settling firmly in place and he gives me a death glare, discretely eyeing me up and down.

His voice though, remains deceptively sweet as he says to his kid, "Now, excuse dad for a second, Hai. Cause dad and Aurora, we do need to talk about something right quick. Imma be right back though. You behave yaself, honey, aight?"

"Okay," the little girl says sweetly, and Em then makes his way back over to me in two long strides. His fingers lock around my arm, just above my elbow and digging harshly into my skin to the point where I almost wince, he then proceeds to promptly drag me out of the room so quick that I don't even get the chance to protest.

As we are walking out of the recording room, Em harshly orders one of his security guards to watch his daughter, simultaneously turning to his younger brother as well.

"Close ya mouth, Nate!" He barks at the teenage boy who gulps and then proceeds to snap his jaw shut.

Eminem scoffs and continues to drags me out of the studio room, slamming the door behind us.

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