26. The Switch Up Is Crazy

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Aurora's P.O.V.

Em being the stubborn ass dude that he clearly is, wouldn't let me and Dre take him to the hospital to get checked out after the whole Murder Inc

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Em being the stubborn ass dude that he clearly is, wouldn't let me and Dre take him to the hospital to get checked out after the whole Murder Inc. jumping him and beating him up that day.

But after a couple of days of the boy getting pain in his ribs, making it hard for him to move around, rap or even breathe, he finally caved and let me take him to his private doctor.

And as it turns out, he does have a cracked rib in his left side, so he ended-up getting bandages placed around his torso and pain medication prescribed to him.

"Should you be mixing these with Ambien though?" I now ask him while sitting in the bed next to him, wearing one of his huge t-shirts. I've been sleeping in those almost every night lately.

"Shit, I don't see why not. Doc told me it was okay," Em shrugs in response, pouring a couple of pills from the orange prescription bottle into the palm of his hand, then putting his hand to his mouth and throwing the pills in. He slightly squints his eyes, putting the pill bottle aside and grabbing a glass of water from the nightstand, drinking from it.

"Just be careful, Em," I sigh, noticing lately that this boy does like to get medicated. I mean, I've never seen anybody being able to take so many different pills at once.

"Always am, baby girl," Marshall responds to me, knowing damn well that he's lying his ass off right now, cause when is this white boy ever careful, ever??

"Yeah, right," I slightly giggle, laying in bed next to him, my hair already tied up for the night, getting myself comfy.

"Yo, what you saying, baby? You say that I'm reckless?" Em then asks me, throwing his arm over my stomach, bringing me closer to his body.

"Maybe a little bit," I yawn.

"See, you always gotta insult me, yo," he's mumbling against the back of my neck as he clears my long hair out of the way, planting a small kiss there, sending shivers down my spine. "You are so disrespectful, Aurora. But I can't front, I like that about you," another kiss follows, and I squirm in his hold.

"Em, we shouldn't. Didn't doctors tell you to avoid any type of strenuous activity?" I attempt to protest, really weak like.

Only to hear him lightly chuckle.

"Guess you better take it easy on me then, girl," he says mockingly in my ear. "So that ya wouldn't hurt me, you know what I'm saying?"

"You are an asshole, Em," I groan as he forcibly turns me around to face him. My leg automatically wrapping around his waist, causing him to flinch just slightly, before regaining control again.

"You already knew that about me. Knew that shit a long time, girl," Marshall says, cupping my chin in his hand. He pulls me even more towards him and we kiss a few times before it escalates.

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