24. Threatened

538 20 61

Aurora's P.O.V.

Two more weeks later

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Two more weeks later...

The ringing of my phone on the nightstand is what wakes me up, and as I sit up in the bed, slowly removing my... boyfriend's (still can't believe I'm actually referring to Em is that, I must be losing my mind) arm from being wrapped around my waist, pulling my bonnet off of my head and shaking out my long hair.

"Yo, shut that shit off, Aurora, the fuck," Marshall raspily grumbles, burying his face in the pillow.

It's sort of strange... he actually looks cute when he sleeps. So weirdly freaking peaceful.

He groans again, just as I snatch my phone up and silence the ringer on it, seeing Jeffrey's name flash across the caller I.D. the nigga been trying to call me up for days ever since Janaé's funeral, but I refuse to actually speak to him, all I care about is him paying for what he did to my good sis.

Plus, I know what's he's calling me about anyways. He's pissed about the fact that Em's manager, Paul Rosenberg, was able to do what my lawyer couldn't, he got me out of having to perform on tour with Ja, and he's been trying to contact me ever since. As though I would want to share the stage with a man that had my best friend murdered.

The phone rings again almost instantly, and Marshall groans angrily next to me. We had stayed up all night previously, first partying with his friends, drinking and taking all kinds of drugs, then once his boys left, we were fucking all over the place. He really took this whole helping me take my mind off of what happened to Janaé seriously, and honestly how I've been going lately doesn't losen the pain of losing my bestie not one bit, but a part of me sort of wants to feel in denial about it. It's almost like, if I don't fully acknowledge it, then I don't have to like fully face it. So I've been pretending like I'm just living life and having fun. Even of I do break down from time to time, and then I would fingers myself just bawling crying out of nowhere, and Marshall would actually hold me. Surprisingly enough, he does have a softer and carrying side to him, something I never would've so much as even guessed around him back when we had first met, and he was being such an asshole towards me.

That's all water under the bridge now.

And the real asshole is Ja.

Who just won't quit calling me.

So I sigh and slide out of the bed with Em completely (I still stay at his place here in LA, btw) and make my way over towards the bedroom adjusted bathroom, tagging the buttom of one of Marshall's huge t-shirts I'm currently wearing over my butt. That thing being like a dress on my petite frame.

I turn the water in the sync on and put the phone to my ear, pressing the talk button.

"Why do you keep calling me, Ja?" I ask softly, tugging the phone between the side of my head and shoulder, and grabbing my tooth brush and wetting it, squeezing some toothpaste on it.

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