27. Why R U The One

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"Hi, Cornell," I softly say, addressing Nelly, looking up at his tall frame

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"Hi, Cornell," I softly say, addressing Nelly, looking up at his tall frame.

I mean like... damn...

He still looks good. Somewhat...

But I still hate his guts though.

"Wassup, shawty, how you been?" My ex asks me.

"Hopefully, better than you, nigga," I roll my eyes at him, and he chuckles.

"Aw, don't be like that, girl. I still miss you."

"I bet you do," I scoff.

"Ay, can we go somewhere and talk?"

"Um... no, cause I'm good."

"Aw, don't be like that, A. I just wanna apologize to you."

"Oh, do you now? So, just say it, nigga. Say that you are sorry."

"I see that you ain't change at all, baby gurl," my ex then gives me a small smile, lickikg his lips. "Still love giving a nigga a hard time, huh?"

And I just shrug, even if my heart is so unsettled in my chest right now.

I mean, I did love Cornell... Nelly, once. He was the first man that I've ever loved, even if I did date and been with a couple of other guys before him.

I used to think he was THE ONE though, I used to think he was end game for me.

Only for him to play me in the end.

And I don't think I've ever like... got over it, our whole relationship giving me major trust issues with men.

Until I've met Em, who now has played me also, and honestly?? I shouldn't even be surprised by all that, because I been knew EXACTLY what that white boy was, and WHAT he was all about. So, I don't even know why I'm so shocked exactly that he would play me as well at the end of the day. Or why it would hurt me so much.

"Nells, I got to go, so if you could excuse me?" I then say softly to my ex, never one to actually raise my voice as y'all already know.

I attempt to push past him, but he gently grabs my hand, holding on to it.

"Can't we talk first, shawty? Cause I do gotta talk to you. I been wanting to speak to you for the longest, I've been peeping you during awards shows, and you always looked good as shit to me, only I never got the courage to actually approach you again."

One of his large hands sliding down the small of my back, Cornell leads me slightly away from the crowds.

"I've missed you," he tells me.

"That's cute. Should've thought about that BEFORE you cheated on me with one of my backup dancers and got her pregnant though," I shrug, attempting to be as non-chalant as possible.

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