6. Celebrity Crush

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"Yo, fuck all of you motherfuckers," I angrily let out, flipping the dudes off as I'm walking out of the cafeteria and head back towards the recording room

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"Yo, fuck all of you motherfuckers," I angrily let out, flipping the dudes off as I'm walking out of the cafeteria and head back towards the recording room.

Punching a wall angrily with my fist on the way there, I force myself to abruptly stop right before entering and shutting my eyes tight. My jaw clenches so hard that it's a miracle my goddamn teeth don't get knocked out and come flying out of my mouth. I force a harsh breath of air to come through bet my teeth, forcing myself to calm the fuck down before I enter.

Cause my daughter is in there.

And I never allow myself to lose my cool in front of Hai.

Can't have that pissed off mind set around her.

And thinking about her helps. My little girl is my peace after all.

And by the time I finally do push open the door and walk through it, all of the anger I've just felt over being tricked and humiliated by that Aurora chick again, has dissipated. The goddamn bitch no matter no more. I'm cool.

Seeing Hai still sat in that samw rolling chair I've left her in, her legs dangling off of it, not nowhere near reaching the ground beneath her, she's drawing absent-mindedly in one of her notebooks, her little head lifting up once I walk in.

She looks at me and giggles.

"Daddy, did you have an accident?" She innocently asks me, and I frown.


Hailie then laughs and points with her small slightly chubby fingers, and I look down at my self and cuss internally. Cause that shit had completely slipped my mind, yo.

"For real bro, did you piss yourself?" Nate then hollers, eyeing the stupid ass wet stain on the front of my pants where that goddamn ice water got splashed on me. I done forgot about that shit, like I said.

"You are right, Hai-Hai. Dad did have a lil accident, dad managed to spill water all over himself," I then explain to my daughter while giving my brother a death glare that instantly stops him laughing at me.

"You are so clumsy, daddy," my little girl giggles.

"Yep, sure am, Hai," I smile. "Imma go change right quick though," I then add, going to grab a new pair of sweats from a large gym bag I luckily had at the studio with me, heading to the restroom with them.

Making my way back into the recording room and seeing that Fif and the rest of the dudes are all there now as well, Nate hanging out with them, doing his best to appear cool next to them.

And the babysitter that I had phoned for earlier is here now too, to pick up both Hai and Nate for me.

Cause see, neither one of them was even supposed to be at the studio with me today in the first place.

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