51. Kill You

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"If Kim talks

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"If Kim talks... let's just say, I can't allow the bitch to talk. And I can't take her out neither. Cause of my daughters, so it only leaves me with one choice.."

I speak gravely to Aurora, watching for her reaction the whole time.

"Which choice?" She asks me quietly then, and I give her a pointed look, and she looks at me in confusion at first until blinking rapidly.

Then her pretty face twists in anger.

I swear, I ain't never seen this girl so pissed at me before. And under different circumstances, the horny motherfucker that I always am, it would've turned me the fuck on.

Matter of fact, scratch that. It do turn me on.

Even if right now ain't the time.

Aurora steps real close to me and she points her finger in my face.

Her voice still comes out so quiet and soft spoken though.

Even when this chick tries to threaten a motherfucker, she still sounds like the sweetest little thing. Not that I don't know that she can slap real hard, oh, and she's also apparently perfectly capable of getting dudes murked too. She's a perfect example of not judging a book by it's cover, and I fucking love that about her.

"Em. I swear to fucking God, if you mean what I think you mean... If you marry Kim, I will be done with you! I will fucking leave you, I don't care if ut would be to so-called protect me or not!!" Aurora says dramatically to me, and the tip of her finger is poking my chest, then she points it at my face again, her long hair falling over her shoulders, her already slit eyes narrow some more.

And I just stand there, regarding her with a small smirk on my face. I lick my buttom lip with my tongue, listening to her continue to go off on me.

"Are you done?" I then ask her once Aurora pauses briefly in her rant against me, all these threats she's currently spewing at me, some of which, mind you, even including taking Junior away from me, to which I ain't gonna take lightly at all, but I AM gonna punish her for that shit.

Aurora then looks away from me for just a brief second, before staring back up at me with so much anger in those wide set brown eyes of hers.

God help me..

"Now you listen to me, bitch," my voice drops down a couple of octaves as I step before this annoying ass girl's small frame. I swear man, Aurora always knew how to push my buttons and get on my last goddamn nerve. Ever since the first day I've met her. But she's always managed to leave a lasting impression, I give her that. I ain't never lost sleep over any other chick the way that I have over Aurora-motherfucking-Hill, and it's still true to this day. This girl would probably be the death of me eventually, who the fuck knows.

But right now she just stares at me though.

The tone of my voice when I corner her against the wall and cup her face in between the palms of my hands.

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