35. Careless

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Another month later

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Another month later...

I'm sat at the studio, listening to this beat playing on the loop in the headphones on my head, and my own words piled up on top of it, something about it, my delivery more than the beat, bothering me like hell, which is exactly why I had decided to stay back at the studio long after everybody else left.

Cause I've got to fix this shit. Whatever it is.

So, I get back into the booth and re-record my whole verse just because.

Then, I'm getting back out and listening to it in my headphones again.

The dull pain in my knee still bothering me somewhat, it's been there ever since my surgery. I shrug and swallow somw pills dry to make if go away.

I've been burying myself at work, but I ain't even gonna lie, briefly seeing that fucking bitch, Aurora last month at the hospital, it had fucked me up bad, even if me and her never so much as spoke to each other. She was actually unconscious that one time I've got to lay eyes on her.


The second I heard the paramedics mention her name, my dumb ass had practically jumped out of the hospital bed, tossing my notepad to the side.

I shouldn't have fucking cared.

Cause this girl is literally nothing to me.

I suppose I was still curious though.

So I limp out of my hospital room and towards where all of the commotion seeks to be going on, pushing aside the wheelchair the fucking nurses told me I'm supposed to be using to give my operated on leg some rest, cause fuck imma look like rolling around in that death trap? Fuck no, that ain't me..

Anyhow, I make my way into the hallway then towards another room where a girl is being transeffered from the paramedics gurney to a hospital bed.

"Sir, you can't be in here," somebody immediately says to me and I give that person the look of death.

Aurora lays on the hospital bed, her eyes closed, she appears to be unconscious.

There's also bruises on her face, must be from that asshole running her over in their car, whoever they was.

"Yo, you best take your hands off of me right now, cause that's my motherfucking wife right there, and I wanna know what's up with her," I lie smoothly to the paramedic then, making my way further into the room.

My eyes literally  glued to this girl, I simply can't help myself, dawg. As much as I hate the goddamn bitch, I gotta know if she's alright.

"Omg, you guys are actually married?! That's so freaking cool, cause I had always like shipped you two together, I think you two make such a cute couple together!!" One of the nurses then claps her hand, one of the doctors scolds her.

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