16. What's Done In The Dark / Trust No One

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I'm sorry, y'all, I know how much y'all hate being in this assholes head, but...


Jeffrey's P.O.V.

It's been about a week since Aurora stormed out of my crib, and went right back to living in her condo

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It's been about a week since Aurora stormed out of my crib, and went right back to living in her condo.

And a lot has happened since then.

I had asked Suge to keep an eye on her for me, and I was right to do so, because she really is disloyal as fuck.

Literally the same day after she left me, Aurora went right to the cops and filed a report against both me and Suge. She had snitched about Suge's niggas beating her flip-flopping ass up, and then even tried to roll on me over what I had almost done to her that day she left, and she even filed for a restraining order against me.

Unbeknownst and unluckily for her though, Suge's got pigs all on his payroll here in LA, so as soon as Aurora went in there and filed that little report, the paperwork was instantly scrapped, and the news of what she had done had got right back to Suge, who then called Irv and me and let us know about that shit.

And ever since then, whatever love I had used to ever have for this shallow ass chick, had turned into hatred and rage. Aurora is going to pay for clowning me and slighting me like she did, I'm just waiting for the right moment.

And Suge's been keeping tabs on her for me, and I know pretty much all of her comings and goings right now. I even have one of her bodyguards on my team, once again completely unbeknownst to her.

One little thing this disloyal ass girl done did though that has escaped me until the very moment I was chilling at my crib watching TV, and an interview with Aurora came up. I had no idea that she's agreed to do this, but apparently at some point, she had gone to the Tyra Banks Show in New York and gave an interview about her whole ordeal, that "viscious attack on her life" as that fine ass redbone bitch Tyra had called it on national TV.

And I was just sat in front of the TV sipping some Henny and smoking a blunt. And I had just finished fucking Aurora's friend Janaé too. The chick irritates me, but she's always had a thing for me, and she sorta looks like Aurora in the face, both of them having that light skin tone and slanted eyes and shit, I guess you can say that I've got a type.

And this wasn't the first time I had fucked Janaé while imagining she's Aurora neither. The first time was after we was both drunk after some party. I pretty much dragged Janaé in the room with me, and she had tried to protest too, talking about some, Aurora is her friend, but I had shut all her protest down real quick, and the hoe was giving me googly eyes ever since then.

And now earlier today, she came by the crib with one of Aurora's bodyguards, the one I actually have on my payroll, to pick up some of her deceitful homegirl's things she still had left at my crib, I had made the bodyguard leave and leave Janaé alone with me, and even though she had tried to protest again, eventually she gave in, and she is currently still back at Aurora's old bedroom, I guess, packing up while crying a few tears.

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