25. Destructive Mode Activated

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Marshall's P.O.V.

I ain't even realize where I was going till I pulled up at the Interscope building

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I ain't even realize where I was going till I pulled up at the Interscope building.

As per that dumbass schedule they currently making all of us follow, I ain't supposed to so much as go near the building as long as Ja and his camp are in there, and vice versa.

Cause nobody wants us all to start fighting each other like the last time all of us was all under the same roof.

And I've been following along with that stupid ass schedule, when it was my day at the studio, I would show up, when it's Ja's time, I recorded my shit from home cause frankly, I ain't wanna hear Paul's mouth about it.

But fuck all that shit now though.

I get out of the car and push my way through the revolving door of the building, the receptionist sitting at the desk lifting up her head, her eyes instantly widening like I've got two heads or some shit.

"Mr. Mathers, you can't be here right now," she states. "Today is..."

"Yo, I don't give a fuck. Which recording room Ja Rule is at?"

"Mr. Mathers..."

"Which. Fucking. Room. Is. He. At?!" I measure her with a cold stare, speaking harshly. Don't really mean to get on this chick like that, to be honest. Cause I know she's just doing her job.

"Room 3B, on the 3rd floor," the girl whispers meekly lowering her eyes.

I nod my head and push the button on the elevator.

"But sir..." she's trying to call after me.

I ignore her.

She probably about to call security anyhow, so if I'm about to beat Ja's ass, I better do that shit quick.

Fuck it.

The elevator door slide open on the 3rd floor and I casually make my way towards the recording room that bitch ass dude is at.

And the funny thing is, I don't know fuck I'm even so pressed for. Yeah, what this motherfucker did to Aurora is fucked, but what does it got to do with me? I just screw that girl. She don't mean shit to me despite of all of the bullshit I've been feeding her, so fuck I'm about to get into a whole fight over her for?

Maybe it's the guilt, man.

Maybe I'm feeling a certain type of way cause of what she told me. How she said Ja Rule got her jumped cause of me, some about it just ain't sit right with me, you know what I'm saying?

Cause she didn't deserved that. Especially not cause of me.

Either way, I ain't got much more time to think about this shit no more.

I push open the door to the recording room and walk in.

The beat Ja Rule is using for whichever song he's recording not even sounding too bad, but his delivery instantly ruins it though.

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