30. Petty Shit

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Jeffrey's P.O.V.

Walking out on stage all hyped and seeing the whole front rows of completely empty seats with only a few people in the back, I cuss silently under my breath, thinking to myself a nigga just can't catch a break

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Walking out on stage all hyped and seeing the whole front rows of completely empty seats with only a few people in the back, I cuss silently under my breath, thinking to myself a nigga just can't catch a break.

This is my first show of the tour, and not only did I have to replace Aurora's unloyal ass at the last minute with Jennifer Lopes who can't really sing for shit, but now I see half of the venue is fucking empty.

Frankly, I almost felt like just storming the fuck outta here, but I couldn't go out like that and make Murder Inc. look bad, so instead I just say fuck it and encourage the fans in the back to move to the front, the whole time thinking to myself something don't add up with this bullshit here, cause Irv told me the show was sold out before, so what like 200 something people just decided not to show after buying their tickets. Naw, this can't be real.

Jennifer walks out behind me with her fine Puerto Rican self, and I can tell she's taken aback a lil bit and she looks pissed at first, but then she smiles sweetly and also tells the fans in the back to just go ahead and step to the front, and we then proceed with the show.

I quickly get hyped again and start rapping my ass off, my voice coming out strong as hell, and I even did that diss track song about Em and Fifty corny asses, cause fuck them niggas!

Em had caught me slipping again too, right before I left for tour, he managed to catch me at the studio without my security or my Murder Inc. crew and the crazy white motherfucker had punched me the fuck out and pulled a gun on me over that time I had tried to get at Aurora at her hotel room, so I made sure to do the diss track on him on every one of my shows cause I know how much that nigga gets in his feeling over me mentioning his brat and hoe ass baby mama. And I'm not even concerned with the fact that he caught my ass slipping again neither, because I've got something both for the trailer park boy and that disloyal ass bitch, A, once I come back from tour. The hoe even had the nerve to release a whole song with Em too the other day, at this point, she's practically mocking me with that, she might've as well just spat in my face, but it's all good. These two think they fucked me, but soon imma fuck both of them over, and Aurora would regret ever choosing that white motherfucker over me.

I soon wrap up the show and walk off backstage and I see Irv and Suge standing there talking about some shit.

"Oh my God, fuck was that, Ja?" Jennifer asks me sounding pissed as she walks out behind me, "You haven't told me you were THAT unpopular when you had asked me to join you on tour, that was some sad shit out there. I might have to drop out, I mean, I have mad love for you, papi, but I'm not about to perform in half empty arenas and shit, that's not me!" She states arrogantly, and I give her a mean mugging look.

Fuck this hoe think she is?!

Before I get a chance to say shit to her though, Suge and Irv are walking up to us, Suge puffing on his cigar as usual.

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