12. Why Did You Do It

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Marshall's P.O.V.

At The Four Seasons

Waking up groggy as fuck from the loud ass ringing of my phone

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Waking up groggy as fuck from the loud ass ringing of my phone.

I immediately silence that shit and go right back to sleep.

Only for that motherfucker to start ringing again, so I just shut the shit off altogether.

It took me forever to fall asleep last night, I been having trouble with that lately, to be honest.

And it ain't help at all that there seemed to be some typa commotion going on outside. I mean, being as high up as I am at the Penthouse, I don't hear too many outside sounds, but I definitely heard all kinda sirens a few hours back. Some shit been going down in this crazy ass city.

Plus, I was also thinking about that Aurora chick. She still piss me off bad, everything about the bitch is fucking infuriating, but I do wanna hit it. Almost making me regret wanting to be petty with her that time I had the slut in the palm of my hand. I could've had my way with her that night, but wanted to humiliate her and give her a taste of her own medicine. Then went to that stupid ass groupie chick instead to take care of my urges, and that where's pussy wasn't even all that. It was loose as fuck as a matter of fact, and she couldn't even give head right, legit bit my dick. And I was thinking, how you gon be a loose pussy bitch but don't know how to give head, shit is unforgivable, yo. Should've had Aurora instead. Cause she don't strike me like no worn-out pussy chick, I mean, she might dress and dance all slutty like, but when I had put my finger in her, them walls squeezed it real nice and tight, and she was so goddamn wet too...

But hey, like I said, I had wanted to be petty that night. Dumbass me.

And now, she's even been so good with my daughter too, something that almost makes me see this chick in a whole different light, but let me stop, yo. For an irrelevant ass slut, this Aurora chick occupies my thoughts way too much, and it had started off from a simple fact that she had rejected me that first time we've met.

"Yo, Em!!" All of a sudden I hear Fif's loud ass voice.

Fuck is this motherfucker doing busting in my hotel room so goddamn early in the morning, dawg?!

"Fuck you want, man," I grumble, sitting up at the edge of my bed and squinting my eyes in confusion at this motherfucker.

"Shit, nigga, you ain't heard?" 50 now asks me, grabbing a TV remote.

"Heard what, dawg," I groan, "it's like..." I then glance at the round clock on the wall, "10am right now, fuck is wrong with you, man?"

Fifty ignores me and instead turns on the TV, flipping through channels.

"Ain't that Aurora girl gone home with you and lil mama last night?" He questions me, and I frown.

"Yeah, she did. Hai likes her for some reason, she's her favorite singer, apparently. Even if I for the love of all things goddamn holy can't figure out why, yo. But yeah. Hai had wanted to spend the evening hanging out with her lil idol, so I let that happen, but after a few hours the bitch left," I shrug.

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