52. Stubborn

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Aurora's P.O.V.

MJ wouldn't stop crying

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MJ wouldn't stop crying.

No matter how much I pace the room, cradling his small but chubby body in my arms, he continues to bawl, his small fists clutched and waving at his sides, I love my little boy so much, but my head is literally killing me right now, and I couldn't concentrate on anything but his loud wails, and I don't even know what's wrong with him, you guys!

I wish his daddy was here right now.

As much as I hate to admit it, Em is WAY better with babies than I am. But then again, he's had much more experience than myself to practice.

"Shhhh, calm down, MJ. Your daddy will he here soon," I softly speak to NY boy, placing kisses all over his red crying face, knowing damn well that Marshall is currently with Kim right now.

He's gone to speak to her about the whole alibi mess and to make her keep quiet about the whole thing.

That's what he's told me he was going to do anyways, but I would lie if I said I didn't distrust him just a little bit, and that I didn't feel a sort of a spark of jealousy deep inside me.

Em was way to quick to almost agree to marry Kim if you ask me. Maybe he still loves her, who knows.

"Your dad will be here soon, MJ," I repeat again to our soon.

"Matter of fact, he's already here," Marshall's voice can be heard from behind me, so i quickly spin around to face him, my long hair draping around my back.

Em and I stand facing each other, and there's a blank expression on his face, I can't read him at all right now.

"Marshall," I breathe out, continuing to rock MJ in my arms as gently as I could.

"You ain't doing it right, baby girl. I been told you that. You are rocking him too goddamn hard. Now, give him here," He says to me, motioning with his hands impatiently.

I pause and look into my boyfriend's icy blue eyes.

Something is wrong, very wrong with Em right now. He just looks like... so different.

So I ask him.

"What's happened between you and Kim, Marshall?"

"All you need to know is," he responds to me while slowly rocking our son next to his chest, making MJ stop crying almost instantly, and causing me to roll my eyes, but then, like I've already said, Em is wayyyy better with babies than I am, so it would totally make sense that he would have the magic touch with our son as well, "all you need to know is that I've put the fear of God himself into her. Kim won't dare to say shit against us now," my boyfriend quietly tells me, kissing the top of our son's head.

"And how did you manage to do that, huh?" I ask him softly.

Then the two of us lock eyes.

And once again, there's something strange flashing in Marshall's blue ones.

Something unreadable, something feral.

He manages to calm MJ right up, murmuring softly to him as he rocks him.

Em then carries our son up to his nursery located on the top floor, and I simply follow behind the two of them.

I watch as my man tucks our son in for his afternoon nap, and Marshall stays with him the whole time.

Speaking sweet nothings to him, murmuring and rapping nursery rhymes to him.

All the way until MJ finally sleeps.

Then Marshall studies him for a few minutes, making sure that our little boy really IS peacefully asleep, and he is.

So Em kisses the top of his small head again, his hand tapping the spinning toys on the top of MJ's crib, forcing them to spin around. He studies our baby boys sleeping fave with the same blank look settled upon his handsome face.

And the tension in the room, you could cut it with a knife.

Marshall then straightens up, staring directly at me once more.

He motions for me to follow him, and I do.

Then he leads us into our bedroom which is exactly next door to Junior's nursery.

Em waits for me to walk through the door, then he snaps it shut, throwing me against of it, the back of my head slamming harshly against it, as the white boy grabs my arms and pins them over the top of my head.

"Make no mistake, Aurora. You would always be my girl, and imma kill for your crazy ass," he speaks somewhat softly to me, kissing my lips until I push him off.

"But," Em's voice turning harsher now as he advances back towards me and grabs my jaw, and I honestly have never felt threatened by him before.

Even on that first day we've met, I could see right through him, so no, I wasn't intimidated by the white boy at all. Not by the slightest.

But I am a little intimidated just now.

"If I tell you imma handle something,  then you just let me do it. That clear to you, Rory? You absolutely DO NOT go behind my fucking back and attempt to take care of shit like you ultimately did with the asshole Ja," He looks me directly in the eyes, his top teeth sinking into his buttom lip as Em smirks. "Then I won't have to clean up ya goddamn mess for you again, girl."

I guess so...

"Fuck you," I reply back out loud to him, forever refusing to be intimidated by him.

"Well fuck, that's exactly how I've thought it would go then," Marshall then says to me, trapping my face in between his large hands and kissing me hard. "I motherfucking knew you'd be stubborn as hell about this whole thing, Princess, and frankly, I won't even take you no other way. I love your feistiness, Aurora," he smirks before kissing me.

And I kiss him back, rhe two of us practically melting with the doorframe Em insists to actively push me against as he forces my Juicy Couture sweatpants down my butt, thighs, legs and ankles, while I simply step out of them.

"Take these off too," he practically growls at me then, forcing me out of my lacy panties as well.

I let the soft fabric slide down my thighs, then I step out of them.

One of his large palms sliding down the small of my waist, palming my butt before slapping it harshly.

While there's the same weird ass expression settles across his handsome face.

"I had to go to a real dark place to convince Kim I was about to murder her for real," Em confesses to me, caressing the side of my face lightly. "And I did it all for you, Rory. So now, I need you to bring me back out of that place," he slowly states.

And I simply nod.

"Anything for you, Em."

Just as he smirks.

"You are gonna regret you've ever said that, girl," then he brings me back towards him, kissing me hard and continuing to keep my arms locked over my head...

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