11. Darkness

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Location: At the Penthouse at the Four Seasons

Stepping inside the hotel room, my security standing guard outside the door, I ain't know what I'm doing no more, for real

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Stepping inside the hotel room, my security standing guard outside the door, I ain't know what I'm doing no more, for real.

Cause I ain't even want this Autora chick here with me and Hai.

Cause I can't stand her guts for real.

Bitch irritates the fuck outta me, so fuck her!

But apparently, she is also my little girl's biggest idol right now, and it's literally making Hai-Hai's day to have the bitch here with us, so I don't say shit.

Just simply guide Aurora and Hailie both through the door and enter the Penthouse.

That slut and myself instantly exchanged awkward but hateful glances at each other at the same time.

Cause I can't stand this slut, I legit can't. She's always irritated the fuck outta me, even if she's sexy as fuck for real.

And I know that the feeling is mutual, cause whenever this bitch looks at me, she always be looking like she wanna murder me on the spot. Which... I ain't gonna lie, now that I think about it, it's kinda hot.

"Daddy, I'm doing to use to ladies room," Hailie then says to me, pulling on my pants leg, instantly interrupting my evil thoughts, and I smile at her.

"Aight then, go ahead, honey."

"I'll be right back, daddy. Don't let Aurora get bored, please," my little girl quickly says with so much concern in her big blue eyes before she runs off.

I clench my jaw and stare hard at Aurora.

"Make yaself comfortable, I guess," I quietly say to her, and she rolls her eyes at me, the goddamn bitch.

"For how long are we going to keep this up, Em?" she asks me. "Like... this whole playing nice with each other thing?"

"For as long as it pleases my daughter, yo!" I state sternly to her.

She rolls her eyes again, then goes to sit on one of the couches.

I huff, letting a harsh rush of air to run out past my lips, then go and plop down right next to her.

Suppose I ought to thank her for warning me about what that bitch ass Ja Rule was about to do. So I grudgingly do just that. I speak to her in a monotone voice, telling her thanks.

Aurora looks at me for a few seconds and sighs.

"Em, the only reason I helped you was because of your kid, as I've already said to you before," she then reiterates to me. "And your daughter is also the only reason I'm here right now," she rolls her eyes again, "because believe me, nigga, I would never do shit just for the benefit of your evil white ass. Especially after how you always steady run your mouth about me!"

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