21. Redemption

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Jeffrey fumes in pure anger as he watches Eminem and Aurora make their way out of the building while all of the paps outside snap pictures of them

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Jeffrey fumes in pure anger as he watches Eminem and Aurora make their way out of the building while all of the paps outside snap pictures of them.

He simply can't believe that Aurora would disrespect him like this once again, openly messing with his sworn enemy.

And in a moment of pure anger and desperation, he simply loses the ability to think straight. He calls Suge Knight over.

"Ayo, Suge, come here, cause I need a favor right quick. Check this out," Jeffrey says quietly to the larger man, pulling him aside from all the commotion. "I want that fucking disloyal bitch dead, and I mean that shit too. Have your boys roll over on her again. But this time, let them fuckikg kill her."


Aurora's P.O.V

Cameras were flashing all in mine and Em's faces as we were leaving the venue uncharacteristically early.

All kinds of questions were yelled at us too, asking us if by leaving together, we were finally confirming all of the rumors that's been circulating about us lately in the media about us being like some sort of secret star crossed lovers.

I didn't respond anything to that, and neither had Em. He did flip them off though, right before we got into the limo. And all of the reporters, as well as all of the people that weren't able to make their way inside of the Radio City building and who were just chilling outside, all of them went crazy at that. Something about this white boy throwing his middle fingers up just does something to the public, apparently.

And I still didn't even know if I was making the right decision leaving with him, I mean, it was impulsive as hell, and it was absolutely crazy for me to do that. Especially after have he had treated me in the past.

So I take off my phone and text Janaé really quickly, who tells me to just follow my heart.

Well, thanks, girl. That was like... corny as fuck, and it really doesn't help me none at all...

"You good over there?" Em smirks at me, throwing one arm around me.

I look up into his face and my brown eyes meet his blue ones. His face slightly flushed and his hair tousled after he took off his hat and the durag he was wearing. His pupils a little enlarged too, I think he's high.

"I... I don't even know. What are we doing, Em?" I ask him honestly, studying his face.

He shrugs.

"Don't really know, baby girl. Just living in the moment, I guess. You know what I'm saying?"

"Not really," I roll my eyes.

Em chuckles and kisses the top of my head. He really perplexes me sometimes.

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