13. Broken

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Aurora's P.O.V.

Leaving the hospital one month later..

"Aurora, I am so sorry," Jeffrey says to me quietly as my eyes slowly attempt to open

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"Aurora, I am so sorry," Jeffrey says to me quietly as my eyes slowly attempt to open.

I have like absolutely no idea what he's talking about, and I'm in so much pain right now. Literally everywhere.

My eyes flutter back shut, and I feel myself starting to fade away again.

But I hate closing my eyes though, because it seems to me like as soon as I do, I can see those three men again.

Hearing one of them call me Shady's Whore. Why would they say that??

Then there's this painful blow to my head that instantly knocks me out.

Which is a good thing.

I've been told when I woke up that all kinds of messed-up things have been done to my body. And luckily for me, I don't remember any of it.

But it doesn't stop me from feeling any less violated...

Then a few weeks later, I'm finally being discharged from the hospital.

Jeffrey's security team that he's giving instructions on keeping me safe is following closely behind as one of the nurses wheels me out towards Ja's hired car.

A black limo with tinted windows.

I've got a pair of oversized shades sat on my face, hiding it somewhat from all of the reporters outside, who all instantly start to yell and attempt to snap photos of me.

I don't look nearly as horrible as I've has weeks ago, thank God, but there are still gaunt bruises covering my face, and I'm still sore all over.

Thanks to how my mother had reacted on that first day she came to see me at the hospital though, I'm still somewhat ashamed of how I currently look like, being uneasy being in public and wanting to hide my face.

"Damn girl, you look like shit!" My mother, Alex, exclaimed dramatically as soon as she had made her way inside my hospital room.

She crouched near my bed, eyeing my face with a disapproving look etched on hers.

"Thanks, ma," I managed to whisper sarcastically.

"I'm just saying, Aurora. Them niggas really beat the shit out of you, and it makes me so angry seeing you like this,"  Alex shrugs, taking a chair and plopping herself down to sit on it near my bed. "You should've protected your face more. Haven't I always taught you that? A girl's good looks is the main thing she's got. I mean, I know you can sing real good, love, but without that pretty face if yours, trust, ain't nobody trying to buy none of your music, and that's facts," my mother scolded me.

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