39. Change Of Heart

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Marshall's P.O.V.

I had popped a few pills before going into the studio earlier

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I had popped a few pills before going into the studio earlier.

Needed that shit badly after the yesterday's events. I just wanted to get higher than a motherfucker and not even think about shit, dawg.

Aurora being pregnant with MY fucking seed instead of that fucker Ja, it's changed everything about the situation for me, man.

But apparently, it ain't change shit for her, cause she still talking about she wants that abortion. Cause she's not ready for no kid right now, blah, blah, blah.

And I ain't even gonna front, I'm not ready to have more kids neither. As a matter of fact, I don't think I even wanted anymore kids other than Hailie. And I'm already missing so much of my daughters life cause of my career and shit, it's eating me up inside, so the very last thing I'd ever wanna do is bring another life into this world that I would barely be a part of.

I fucking hated my own fucking father for how he's abandoned me, but in more ways than one, I do it to Hai now too, even if my intentions are technically good.

So nah, I ain't wanna do that to yet another kid.

And I sorta understand how Aurora feels too. I mean, only seconds before she realized it was my baby she's carrying and not Ja Rule's, she was more than ready to get rid of it.

And I would be a lying motherfucker if I said I wasn't secretly relived when she told me she didn't wanna have no parts of him in her.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I would've been there for her regardless, cause she's my girl.

And if the child really was from that asshole, and she had decided that she wanted to keep it, then fuck it, I would've still accepted it and helped her raise it like it was my own. But deep down inside, I was happy when she told me she ain't want it. I understand that it wouldn't have been the kid's fault, but I sure as fuck didn't want to look at a walking and talking reminder of what that piece of shit has done to her. How he violated her.

But as of now, it's not even about that no more.

Now it's my baby that she wants to snuff out, still, I told her I will support whatever decision she makes. Cause she's already been through enough.

But I don't know, man. Deep down inside, I ain't like this shit one bit.

Dr. Cameron though, he gave Aurora two days to decide. He's made an appointment for her, and if she still wants to abort, then all she's got to do is show up at the clinic again after those two days.

And I had tried to keep my mouth shut about the issue, I truly did. But as most people know, I really can't shut my mouth for nobody.

So, as soon as me and Aurora got back home, we had a pretty big fight about this.

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