Chapter 3: Moonlit Melodies

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"In the beauty of pain lies a melody that paints the prettiest moments of our existence."

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*Y/N wakes up to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains. The events of the previous night linger in her mind, and a sense of urgency Makes her to check her phone. She grabs it from the nightstand and notices a new message from the unknown sender.*

Y/N: MESSAGE= "The shadows are closing in. Prepare for the Unavoidable."

*Y/N's eyes widen, and a chill runs down her spine. She glances at Hye-jin, still peacefully sleeping.*

Y/N: (whispering to herself) What is this Unavoidable they're talking about?*With caution, Y/N nudges Hye-jin, trying not to startle her. Hye-jin stirs and groggily opens her eyes.*

HYE-JIN: (rubbing her eyes) What's going on?

Y/N: (serious) Look at this message.

*Hye-jin squints at the phone, reading the ominous words. Her expression shifts from drowsiness to concern.*

HYE-JIN: (concerned) This is getting more and more thrilling. Who could be sending these messages?

Y/N: (thoughtful) That's what I want to find out. Last night, after you fell asleep, Jungkook showed up here.

HYE-JIN: (teasing) Jungkook? In the middle of the night? Spill the details, Y/N!*Y/N blushes, swatting Hye-jin's arm.*

Y/N: (blushing) It's not like that! He was here for something serious. Mentioned that the patient from the hospital is connected to him somehow.

HYE-JIN: (raising an eyebrow) Connected? This is turning into a real-life mystery novel.

Y/N: (nodding) And he warned me, Hye-jin. Warned about digging too deep and uncovering dangerous secrets.

HYE-JIN: (teasing again) Dangerous secrets? Y/N, you've stumbled into a K-drama plot!

Y/N: (rolling her eyes) This is serious, Hye-jin. I need to figure out what's going on. Jungkook was cryptic, but I have a feeling he knows more than he's letting on.

HYE-JIN: (serious) So, what's the plan?

Y/N: (determined) We need to investigate. Find out who this patient is, what connection they have with Jungkook, and why Eclipse is suddenly interested in me.

HYE-JIN: sure! I'll collect the information..

*As they huddle together, the room transforms into a makeshift detective headquarters. Little do they know, the answers they seek will unravel a web of secrets that may change their lives forever.*---


Y/N, behind the wheel, drives towards the beach. Her mind is messed up with emotions, and she thinks of the recent turn of events.

Her phone buzzes, and she sees Hye-jin's name on the screen. With a sigh, she answers the call.

HYE-JIN (over the phone): Hey, Y/N! How about we hit the club tonight?!?

Y/N: (softly) I appreciate it, Hye-jin, but I need some alone time. I'll catch up with you later.

HYE-JIN (over the phone): Alone time? Everything okay?

Y/N: (smiling) Yeah, just need to clear my head. The beach is calling.

As Y/N continues driving, the city lights blur outside the car window. She glances at her reflection in the car mirror.

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