Chapter- 14 : Nightmare

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Even if the world turns its back on you, know that my arms will always be open, ready to shelter you from any storm.


Boy: (laughing) Come on, Velvet! You can't escape me!

Boy: (giggling) No way, Kuku! You'll never catch me!

Boy: (catching Lil Y/N) Gotcha!

Boy: (ruffling Lil Y/N's hair) Oh, Velvet, you're so slow!

Lil Y/N: (giggling) Hey, Kuku, no fair!

Laughter echoed through the air as a boy chased after Y/N through the lush green fields. Their footsteps danced across the soft grass, their joy contagious as they playfully darted around.


then, in an instant, the vibrant colors of their laughter faded to darkness. A deafening flash engulfed the scene, replacing the joyous atmosphere with a haunting silence.

Suddenly, the air was pierced with screams – the frantic cries of Mrs. Choi and Mr. Choi, Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon echoed in the darkness.

Mrs. Choi: "princess, Kookie!! Run! Run, sweetheart!"

Mr. Choi: "Take care of each other! Get to safety!"

Mrs. Jeon: "Kookie, Ninii , run! Get away from here!"

Mr. Jeon: "Stay together, kids! Stay together and run!"

Chaos erupted around them as people scattered in all directions, desperate to escape the looming threat. Amidst the turmoil, the boy tightly clutched Y/N's hand, their small fingers intertwined in fear.

Boy: (panicked) "velvet, we have to go! We have to run!"

Y/N: (cries) "I'm scared, Kuku... I'm so scared..."

Tears streamed down their cheeks as they trembled, their innocence shattered by the violence unfolding before them. With each passing moment, the danger grew more palpable, sending shivers down their spines.

As the chaos intensified, a gunshot echoed through the air, followed by a gut-wrenching cry.

Mr. Choi: "Ahhhh!"

Before anyone could react, Mr. Choi fell to the ground, a victim of the senseless violence, and Mr. Jeon dashed to his aid.

Mr. Jeon: (sobs) "No! No, please, God, no!"

But before he could reach him, another shot rang out, cutting through the air like a deadly whisper. The unthinkable happened as Mr. Jeon collapsed, his body succumbing to the same fate as Mr. Choi.

Mrs. Choi: (crying, screaming, clutching to heart) "My husband, mr. jeon !! Someone, please, help them!"

Mrs. Jeon: (crying, screaming) "Run, my loves, run!"

In the midst of the chaos, the mothers' anguished screams pierced the darkness, their voices calling out for their beloved children.

Y/N: (crying, screaming) "Mom! Dad! Nooo!"

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