Chapter-16 : Love, Drama, and a Surprise

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"Their hearts knew, but their minds refused to listen, afraid of what love might bring."

As we walked the red carpet, the questions from the media bombarded me like a relentless storm. Then, the question came, piercing through the chaos like a dagger aimed at my heart: "Is she your girlfriend?"

I hesitated, caught off guard by the sudden intensity of the moment. In that split second, something inexplicable surged within me, a strange impulse I couldn't comprehend. Before I could even process it, the words slipped past my lips, declaring her as my girlfriend. But why? I didn't know. It was as if some unseen force had taken control, guiding my response with a certainty I couldn't explain.

Her touch, her presence beside me, it stirred something deep within, a warmth that both comforted and unsettled me. And when she whispered urgently, pleading for restraint, I found myself yielding to her wishes, even though every fiber of my being screamed to protect her, to claim her as mine.

But why did I say those words? Why did I label her as my girlfriend when we were merely friends? The answer eluded me, buried beneath layers of uncertainty and unspoken emotions. All I knew was that in that moment, amidst the flashing lights and probing questions, I couldn't bear to see her hurt. So, I spoke those words, not fully understanding their implications, but driven by an instinct I dared not question.

As we navigated through the crowded hall, her puzzled gaze lingered on me, her eyes searching for answers I didn't have. I knew she would ask, demand to know why I had called her my girlfriend in front of the world.

In my mind, I scrambled for an explanation, a way to ease her confusion without revealing the tangled mess of emotions swirling within me. Maybe I'd say it was for her safety, to shield her from the prying eyes of the media. Or perhaps I'd blame it on my reputation, claiming I needed to clarify our relationship to avoid any misunderstandings.

But deep down, I knew those were just excuses, feeble attempts to mask the truth. The truth that I couldn't articulate, couldn't even acknowledge to myself. Because admitting that calling her my girlfriend had stirred something profound within me would only complicate things further.

So, I settled on a vague response, a carefully crafted excuse designed to placate her without delving into the messy intricacies of my emotions. After all, honesty would only lead to misunderstandings, and I couldn't risk that ofcourse...

Y/N: removing her mask and sighing "Jungkook, seriously, why did you say that?"

Jungkook: looks away, avoiding eye contact "Uh, it just... came out. I didn't mean... I mean..."

Y/N: pressing on "You didn't mean? Jungkook, that's not something you just blurt out!"

Jungkook: stuttering "I-I know, but..."

Businessman (Taeyong): approaching them, extending his hand "Ah, Mr. Jeon, welcome! So glad you could make it."

Jungkook: switching gears, shaking his hand "Thank you, Mr. Taeyong. It's a pleasure to be here."

Y/N: quietly, but still curious "Taeyong?"

Jungkook: nods slightly, avoiding her gaze "Yeah, he's the one who organized the party."

Y/N: feeling confused and uneasy, but putting on a smile "Uh, hi there."

Taeyong: smiling warmly "And who might this lovely lady be, mr. jeon?"

Jungkook: glancing at Y/N, then back at Taeyong "Oh, uh, this is Y/N. She's... uh, girlfriend."

Y/N: *sighs* smiling politely "Nice to meet you, Taeyong."

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