Chapter- 5 : Rescued Heart (2)

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Jungkook storms into the VIP section, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Taehyung follows, noticing the unusual intensity in Jungkook's demeanor. Jungkook runs his hands through his hair in frustration, a sight Taehyung has never witnessed before.

Taehyung: (curious) Jungkook, what's going on?

Jungkook rushes towards a visibly anxious waitress, biting her nails. He urgently asks her where Y/N is.

Waitress: (nervous) He- He took her inside.

Jungkook instructs Taehyung to wait and charges into the room, his heart pounding with worry. 

Jungkook  pushes the door of the room wide open storms into the room, rage etched across his face. Y/N is fainted on the couch, disoriented- her coat lying in a corner, and a man looms over her kissing her neck hungrily, his actions far from consensual.

Jungkook: (furious) BACK OFF!

The man smirks, underestimating the tempest about to be unleashed. Jungkook charges like a raging bull, tackling the man with anger.

Jungkook: Lay a finger on her again, and you'll regret it but... wht you were doing...doesnt look like i will leave you alive already.

In the tight space, Jungkook throws punches, each one aiming to protect and subdue. His fists connect with the man's body, the sounds echoing like thunder in the room. The opponent fights back, trying to withstand the force.

Jungkook, driven by intense anger, delivers powerful blows. The room reverberates with the impact. The opponent, though hurt, doesn't back down and manages to counterattack with a knee to Jungkook's midsection. They continue exchanging punches and blocks, an intense struggle.

As the fight progresses, Jungkook's knuckles begin to bleed from the forceful punches. Despite the injury, he remains determined, delivering calculated blows to the man. The opponent, now visibly weakened, attempts to fight back but is met with continued aggression from Jungkook.

Jungkook: (roaring) No one can ever touch her, then who are you to do that!! you fcking b#st#rd!! *punch*

The man, desperate to defend himself, throws punches in return, but Jungkook's fury seems unstoppable. They grapple, crashing against furniture, the fight increasing with every heartbeat.

As the confrontation reaches a critical point, Taehyung rushes in to separate them. The fight persists, both men fiercely vying for control. The air is tense, filled with the danger of their brutal clash.

Taehyung: (shouting) Jungkook, calm down! We can't let it spiral out of control!

Jungkook, momentarily pausing in his rage, breathes heavily. Taehyung struggles to restrain Jungkook, who's still seething with anger.

Taehyung: (forcefully) Jungkook, we need to stop before it gets worse!

Jungkook's eyes blaze with a mixture of fury and protectiveness, his hands clenched into fists.

Jungkook: (growling) He dared to touch her. No one gets away with that.

Taehyung: (firmly) I get it, but if you go any further, it won't help anyone. Let the authorities handle this.

Reluctantly, Jungkook releases his grip, his chest heaving with each breath. The man, battered and bruised, struggles to stand.

Jungkook: Fcking Get out before I change my mind!!

The man, fear etched on his face, stumbles out of the room, leaving behind a tense atmosphere.

Taehyung: (concerned) We should take Y/N and leave. The cops can handle the rest.

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