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"I wish we never have to cross paths again," she said, her voice tinged with regret.

"But if we don't, how will I ever find my way back to you?" he whispered

Scene: Aster Gang Planning

Y/N (Scarlet): Alright team, listen up. We have a mission to rescue those girls from the abandoned factory on Han River Street. The intel suggests they're being held in the basement. Felix, have you hacked into the factory's security system?

Felix: (nodding) Yes, Scarlet. I've disabled the cameras in the perimeter and managed to get a layout of the place. The basement has two entrances: one through the main building and another via a hidden staircase in the warehouse section.

Ji-eun: We'll need to split into two teams then. felix and i can take the main building entrance.  We'll handle any guards and secure the main route.

Sana: (cracking her knuckles) Let's get those bastards.

Eunwoo: I'll go with sana and y/n through the hidden staircase. I can move undetected and take out any guards silently. Hye-jin, you should stay here and monitor our progress through the feeds Felix hacked. 

Hye-jin: (nodding) Got it. I'll keep an eye on everything and guide you through any unexpected changes.

Y/N (Scarlet): Good. There's one more thing. Jungkook and his team might be on this mission too. If we run into them, we need to avoid conflict. We can't afford to blow our cover or risk the girls' safety. If we do meet them, follow my lead. and dont forget to call each other by code names!

Aster Gang Members: (in unison) Understood, Scarlet.

Scene: Eclipse Gang Planning

Jungkook (JK): Namjoon, details, quick.

Namjoon (Nero): The factory on Han River Street has two main points of entry: the main building and a hidden staircase in the warehouse section. The girls are likely held in the basement.

Yoongi (Suga): We should split up to cover both entries. i and hoseok can handle the main building.

Jungkook (JK): Me, taehyung and jimin, will be taking the hidden staircase but will be entering from the gate2, bcz to go through the hidden staircase there are two gates....gate1 is likely guarded a lot. Gotta be fierce.

Jimin (Jack):(nodding) Silent and deadly. Just the way I like it.

Jin (Jinx): I'll stay back with Namjoon. We'll keep you updated on any changes and ensure our plans stay on track.

Jungkook (JK): There's one more thing. There's a chance we might run into any other gang. Avoid conflict if possible. We're here to rescue the girls, not start a war. But if they interfere, don't hesitate to neutralize the threat.

Eclipse Gang Members: (in unison) Understood, JK.

Scene: On the Move

[As both teams head towards the factory, their plans are set into motion. The Aster gang takes the route through the streets, blending into the shadows, while the Eclipse gang moves with calculated precision, their high-tech gear helping them navigate the urban landscape.]

Scene: Factory Perimeter

[The Aster gang arrives first, splitting into their assigned teams. Y/N and Sana head towards the main entrance, while Eunwoo following them, making his way to the hidden staircase, Hye-jin stayed behind, monitoring the situation through the cameras.]

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