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"In the chapters of his heart, I discovered the first page of my eternity."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──


The night air was tense as Y/N, the leader of Aster, gathered her team at the outskirts hideout. The abandoned surroundings echoed with whispers of their strategy.

Y/N: (commanding) Alright, team. Tonight is crucial. We need to create a diversion to infiltrate smoothly. Hye-jin, Eunwoo, you're with me at the front.

Hye-jin: (determined) We've got this, Y/N. Ready for the diversion.

Eunwoo: (checking equipment) All set and prepared, ma'am.

Y/N: Good. Now, Team B – Sana, Felix, and ji-eun – you'll take the back route. Infiltrate quietly and await my signal.

Sana: (nodding) Got it, Y/N. We'll slip in like shadows.

Felix: (smirking) This mission is going to be a piece of cake.

Y/N: Remember, stay vigilant. We're stepping into the lion's den...we can never underestimate eclipse, but Aster doesn't back down. Let's make our move.

As Aster dispersed into their assigned teams, the outskirts hideout became a stage for their calculated maneuvers, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the dark.

Y/N, sensing the weight of the impending danger, gathered her team for a brief yet intense discussion.

Y/N: (whispering) Something doesn't feel right. Stay sharp, everyone. Eclipse might have a surprise for us.

Hye-jin: (nodding) We've gone thru many surprises before. We got this.

Eunwoo: (glancing around) The shadows are restless tonight. Keep your senses heightened.

The moonlit night became an ally and a potential adversary as Aster, veiled in darkness, moved silently. The tension in the air thickened, and the outskirts seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the clash that was about to unfold.

Outskirts hideout - Eclipse Gang

Jungkook took the lead as the Eclipse Gang approached the desolate factory on the outskirts. The night was shrouded in mystery, and the abandoned structures seemed to harbor secrets.

Jungkook: (commanding) Stay sharp, everyone. Namjoon hyung, Tae hyung, Jimin hyung, and Hobi hyung, follow my lead. We need to secure the area swiftly.

Namjoon: (nodding) Got it. Let's keep communication tight.

Tae: (adjusting his gear) Heavy resistance expected. We're ready for whatever comes our way.

As they went deeper into the outskirts, the factory loomed ahead like a fortress of uncertainty. The Eclipse Gang moved with a coordinated rhythm, the anticipation building with every step. In the silence of the night, they were about to face the unknown, fully aware that the clash with Aster was inevitable.They moved strategically, utilizing the shadows and keeping their senses sharp.

Jungkook: (whispering) This is it. Stay close, and be ready for anything.

Namjoon: (analyzing the surroundings) The factory seems quiet, but appearances can be deceiving.

Tae: (gripping his weapon) We're not the only ones after them. Aster won't let this place go without a fight.

Jimin: (smirking) Let them come.

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