CH-31: D1- Love in the air

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"I never believed in fate until I met you."

"...Now, I can't imagine my life without you in it."

Yuna emerged from the villa, strutting confidently in a swimsuit that left very little to the imagination. It was the most revealing one she owned, clearly chosen with the intent to catch Jungkook's eye.

Jungkook: (smirking to himself, an evil idea forming) "Hey, Yuna."

Jungkook, trying to play along with his evil teasing plan to tease y/n a bit, puts on a serious face and scans Yuna from head to toe, exaggerating his interest.

Y/N: (noticing his gaze, feeling a pang of jealousy) "Really, Jungk-"

Yuna: (smirking victoriously) "Do you like it, Jungkook?"

Jungkook: (Frowning, pretending to be interested) "Hmm, interesting choice."

Y/n, who was watching this from a distance with a mix of jealousy and annoyance, couldn't hold back anymore. She strides over, fuming.

Y/n: (Angrily) "Jungkook! What's with that face? You look like you've never seen a swimsuit before."

Jungkook tries hard not to laugh out loud at Y/n's reaction, but he can't hide his amusement. Meanwhile, Jimin, Hye-jin, Sana, and Taehyung are watching the drama unfold with amused expressions.

Hye-jin: (Whispering to Jimin) "This is going to be good."

Jimin: (Grinning) "I don't envy Jungkook right now."

Y/n continues to glare at Jungkook, who is now struggling to keep a straight face. Yuna, sensing the tension, decides to fan the flames.

Yuna: (Smirking) "Oh, don't be jealous, sweetie. Jungkook just appreciates fashion, right?"

Jungkook tries to recover, still wearing a serious expression.

Jungkook: (Teasingly) "Of course, Yuna's fashion sense is... bold."

Y/n's jealousy turns into full-on irritation, but she manages to shoot back with her trademark sarcasm.

Y/n: (Mockingly) "Bold is one word for it."

The boys, realizing the situation is escalating, exchange nervous glances.

Sana: (Whispering to Taehyung) "This is going to explode."

Taehyung: (Nodding) "We better stay out of this one."

Jungkook could barely contain his laughter, seeing Y/N's reaction. Internally, he was rolling on the floor laughing, but outwardly, he tried to keep a straight face.

Yuna: (Smirking at Y/n) "Looks like someone's a little sensitive today, hmm?"

Y/n: (Sarcastically) "Oh, Yuna, sweetie, I'm not sensitive. Just immune to your antics."

Jungkook: (Chiming in, trying to ease the tension) "Come on, Y/n, Yuna's just having a bit of fun."

Y/n: (Glaring at Jungkook) "Oh, I know exactly what kind of fun she's having."

Yuna: (Provocatively, thinking she is winning over jungkook) "I think someone's jealous."

Y/n: (Rolling her eyes) "Jealous of what? Your taste in swimsuits?"

Jungkook: (Hiding a smirk) "Hey now, mon cheri, don't be like that."

Y/n: (glaring at him) "Don't 'Mon Cheri' me."

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