CHAPTER-4 Secrets Revealed: A Must-Read

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"In the canvas of my life, you're the brushstroke that adds colors I never knew I needed."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──


*Y/N smiles to herself, replaying the moments with Jungkook in her mind. The night was etched in her thoughts, and she couldn't shake off the enchanting feeling.*

Y/N:(whispering) What was that, Jungkook? Why does it feel like you're the missing piece I didn't know I needed?

*As Y/N lies on her bed, her phone rings, and it's Hye-jin.*

HYE-JIN: (excited) Y/N! You won't believe what I found out about that patient from the hospital.

Y/N: (intrigued) Tell me everything.

HYE-JIN: (explaining) The patient is connected to Jungkook in a mysterious way. about Eclipse, I couldn't find anything concrete. It's like they've erased their traces but there IS some information i got...

Y/N: (thoughtful) Eclipse is a shadow. But why are they suddenly interested in me?

HYE-JIN: (hesitant) I'm not sure, Y/N. It's like they want something you have, or maybe they see you as a threat.

*Y/N, processing the information, questions Hye-jin about Eclipse and its leader.*

Y/N: Why the secrecy around Eclipse? And who's their leader?

HYEJIN: Eclipse is the top underworld mafia gang in South Korea. Only their rivals and those close to them know the leader. But I did find out one thing - their leader is known by the initials "JK."

*Hye-jin's revelation about Eclipse's leader being known by "JK" echoes in Y/N's mind.*

Y/N: Call out a meeting, Hye-jin. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

*As Y/N prepares for the meeting, she mumbles to herself while dressing up.*

Y/N: The queen is back to take over

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Y/N: The queen is back to take over. Buckle up, people. Eclipse isn't aware of whom they're hitting._

_______Y/N, MAFIA QUEEN:_______

(Reader's Note: So, there's this woman, Y/N, right? She runs the show, a mafia queen with a vibe that can send shivers down your spine. You know that feeling when you hate someone so much it's like a storm brewing? Well, imagine that, but like ten times scarier. Her missions? Swift, clean, like they were never there. Enemies? Poof, gone. But, oh boy, facing Taeyong and JK? Whole new level of trouble.

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