Chapter-20: A DATE?

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"Without you, I'm just a shell of who I used to be, a lost wanderer in a world that suddenly feels empty."

y'all, your author wont start today's first scene cuz today's first scene might get you rolling- its like a convo between y/n and her inner voice orrrrrrrrr critic? LMAO lets start:


Y/N: "Ugh, why is it so hard to find something to wear?"

Inner Voice: "Maybe because you have too many options."

Y/N: "Shut up. I need to look good tonight."

Inner Voice: "Well, good luck with that. You've been at it for hours."

Y/N: "I'm not trying to impress him. We're just friends, right?"

Inner Voice: "Sure, keep telling yourself that."

Y/N: "I mean, yeah, he's cute and all, but it's not like I'm trying to win him over with my outfit."

Inner Voice: "Right, because spending hours in front of the mirror totally screams 'just friends.'"

Y/N: "Okay, fine! Maybe I like him a little more than I'm willing to admit."

Inner Voice: "And there it is."

Y/N: "But that doesn't mean I have to go all out. I just want to look... presentable."

Inner Voice: "Sure, presentable. Because that's totally what you've been aiming for this whole time."

Y/N: "Can you please stop being so sarcastic and help me pick something out?"

Y/N: "Alright, fine! How about this?" holds up a short black and white dress

Inner Voice: sarcastically "Oh, sure, because nothing says 'just friends' like a little black dress."

Y/N: rolls eyes "Oh, come on! It's not like I'm going all out. Plus, black and white is classic!"

Inner Voice: "Classic, huh? More like classic 'I'm trying to impress you without admitting it.'"

Y/N: "Ugh, why are you always so sarcastic? You're supposed to be my inner voice, not my inner critic."

Inner Voice: "Hey, I call it like I see it. And let's face it, you're totally into him."

Y/N: exasperated "Can you give it a rest for once? I just want to pick something nice to wear, that's all."

Inner Voice: "Sure, sure, keep telling yourself that, Miss 'I-don't-like-him-but-I'm-spending-hours-picking-out-a-dress-for-him.'"

Y/N: glares "You know what? I don't need this right now. I'm wearing the dress because I want to, not because I'm trying to impress anyone."


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