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"Does it ever drive you crazy? Just how fast the night changes~"



The scene opens in Y/N's opulent mansion, a sanctuary hidden away from the prying eyes of the outside world. The Aster team, still buzzing with adrenaline from their recent mission, lounges in the comfort of the lavish surroundings. As they kick back with drinks in hand, the tension of the night slowly begins to melt away.

Y/N: (letting out a sigh of relief as she removes her mask) Ah, nothing like the feeling of finally taking this off.

Sana: (stretching out on the couch) Tell me about it. My face was starting to sweat under there.

Eunwoo: (cracking open a cold drink) I could use a drink after that.

Ji-eun: (smirking) I swear, if I have to wear that thing for one more minute, I might lose it.

[Felix and Hye-jin share a knowing glance, silently agreeing with the sentiment. As they all relax into the plush furnishings, the weight of their recent mission begins to lift.]

Felix: (raising his glass) Here's to another successful operation.

Hye-jin: (clinking her glass against Felix's) Cheers to that.

Sana: (smirking) So, who else thought Y/n was going to get herself killed back there?

Eunwoo: (chuckling) Honestly, I wouldn't put it past her.

Y/N: (grinning) Hey, I knew what I was doing.

Ji-eun: (rolling her eyes) Sure, y/n. Keep telling yourself that.

As laughter fills the room, the weight of their dangerous lives momentarily fades into the background.

Eunwoo: (teasingly) By the way y/n~ You were practically flirting with JK back there, and you knew it was Jungkook all along!

[Y/N's cheeks flush slightly at Eunwoo's comment, a hint of embarrassment coloring her expression.]

Y/N: (defensively) I wasn't flirting! I was just... playing hard to get?

[Felix chuckles, leaning back in his seat with a knowing grin.]

Felix: (teasingly) Sure, sure. We all know you've got a soft spot for Jungkook.

Y/N: (shooting Felix a glare) I do not!

[But her protests are met with playful skepticism from the rest of the team.]

Ji-eun: (smirking) Oh, come on, Y/N. We've seen the way you two look at each other.

Hye-jin: (nodding) Yeah, it's like there's some kind of magnetic pull between you two.

Sana: (grinning) I mean, who wouldn't be attracted to Scarlet? She's a total badass.

As the playful banter continues, Y/N finds herself lost in her own thoughts, a hint of jealousy creeping into her mind. She can't shake the feeling of unease as she reflects on Jungkook's interactions with Scarlet, even though she knows it's herself he's interacting with. The thought of him being so charming and flirtatious with Scarlet, unaware that it's her, sends a pang of jealousy through her heart.

Y/N: (muttering to herself) Why am I even getting jealous? He's not mine to begin with.

[Sana, who sits beside her, notices Y/N's sudden change in demeanor and nudges her gently.]

SHADOWS OF DESIRE|JK FFWhere stories live. Discover now