chapter-11 : PROMISE ME

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Distance may separate our bodies, but love knows no boundaries, bridging the gap between our hearts with the invisible threads of longing and sweet anticipation.

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Jungkook stumbles backward, feeling a sense of betrayal and confusion. He is lost in his own thoughts when suddenly, he hears someone calling his name.

Y/N: Jungkook?

Jungkook looks up to find Y/N standing in front of him, holding a glass of water. She looks casual yet concerned, her messy bun adding to the charm. The scene shifts to a flashback.


Y/N takes a shortcut to Bangtan Mansion, skillfully avoiding any guards. She enters the mansion and sneaks upstairs, careful not to be noticed. She quickly changes into more comfortable attire, her face still hidden. In the washroom, she faces the mirror, tears streaming down her face.

Y/N: (whispering to herself) Jungkook... the mafia king? How did I not see this coming? He (his father) can't be the one who...killed them.

She breaks down, not able to finish her sentence. As she cries, she hears a knock on the door. Wiping her tears, she composes herself, washes her face, and steps outside, grabbing a glass of water.


steps out-

Y/N: Jungkook? 


Y/N: What are you doing out here so late?

JUNGKOOK:(stutters) Um, just thought I'd check on you.

Y/N: (chuckles) At this hour? Couldn't you have waited till morning?

JUNGKOOK: (looks away awkwardly) I couldn't sleep~

Y/N: (teasingly, raises her eyebrow) Couldn't sleep or didn't want to sleep?

JUNGKOOK: (grinning) Alright, maybe a bit of both. But seriously, why are you still up?

Y/N: (smiles) Couldn't sleep either. Ended up stargazing. There's something magical about the night sky.

JUNGKOOK: (gazing at the sky) You know, the stars are like old friends. Always there, no matter what.

Y/N: (smiling) I couldn't agree more. Stargazing has this calming effect.

JUNGKOOK: (teasing) Planning to stay up till sunrise?

Y/N: (playfully) Well, morning isn't here yet. Why should you be up?

JUNGKOOK: (grinning) Fair point. But I'm used to the night.

Their banter continues, laughter echoing in the quiet room. Y/N finds herself drawn into the moment, forgetting, for a while, the complexities of their lives.

Y/N: (looking at the clock) It's getting late, Jungkook. You should rest.

JUNGKOOK: (raising an eyebrow) Coming from the night owl herself.

Y/N: (mock gasping) Are you calling me out?

JUNGKOOK: (chuckling) Maybe a little.

As they share lighthearted moments, Y/N feels a tear escaping. Unknown to Jungkook, it reflects the weight of her conflicting emotions. She quickly wipes it away, hoping he didn't notice.

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