CH-29: Off to Bora Bora!!

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"Let's make the stars jealous tonight, darling. Let Our love shines brighter than any constellation."

Two days later, excitement buzzed in the air as everyone prepared for their trip to Bora Bora. Y/N and Soobin stood at the front door of their mansion, double-checking locks and making sure everything was secure.

Y/N: (locking the door) Okay, Soobin, I think we're good to go. Got everything?

Soobin: (nodding) Yeah, I'm ready. Let's hit the road.

They dragged their suitcases to the driveway, where Hye-jin, Sana, and Ji-eun were already waiting with their own bags.

Hye-jin: (excitedly) Ready for the best trip ever?

Sana: (grinning) Can't wait to get to the beach!

Ji-eun: (checking her phone) We should get going. We don't want to be late for Jungkook's jet.

As they were about to load the suitcases into the car, Felix and Eunwoo appeared with their own suitcases, looking eager.

Y/N: (surprised) Felix, Eunwoo, what are you guys doing here? You're not coming with us.

Felix: (pouting) Why not? We want to come too!

Eunwoo: (acting stubborn) Yeah, we're not missing out on all the fun. Bora Bora sounds amazing.

Y/N: (sighing) But we already made plans. The jet might be full.

Felix: (determined) We'll find a way. Please, Y/N?

Y/N exchanged a glance with Soobin, who shrugged, and then looked at the others who were trying to hide their smiles.

Y/N: (relenting) Alright, alright. You two can come. But don't say I didn't warn you if there's no space left.

Felix and Eunwoo: (cheering) Yay! Thanks, Y/N!

With everyone ready, they piled into the cars and headed to the airport. The journey was filled with laughter and excited chatter about the upcoming trip.


As they arrived at the airport, Y/N's phone rang. She answered it, recognizing Jungkook's number.

Y/N: (on the phone) Hey, Kook. We just got here. Where are you?

Jungkook: (on the other end) I'm at the private terminal, making sure everything is set up. Just come straight through security, and you'll see me.

Y/N: Got it. See you in a bit.

She hung up and turned to the group, who were busy unloading their luggage.

Y/N: Jungkook's already at the private terminal. Let's get through security and meet him there.

They made their way through the airport, navigating the busy terminals and making their way to the private area. Excitement built as they neared their destination.

Private Terminal:

As they passed through the last security checkpoint, they spotted Jungkook standing by the entrance of the private jet, waving them over with a smile. Everyone was there But one person was missing.

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