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In The moment of meeting you the vast stars are all dust


Grandma sits in her room, the soft glow of a lamp illuminating her face. She gazes at an old photograph and begins to speak to herself.

GRANDMA: (whispering) y/ she the y/n, i am thinking about...?-

She traces the outline of Y/N's face in the photograph, a tender smile playing on her lips.

GRANDMA: (thoughtfully) There's a warmth about her, like a long-lost melody. Does she hold a piece of the past I thought was gone?

A sense of nostalgia and gentle curiosity fills the room as Grandma reflects on the unexpected connection with Y/N.

GRANDMA: (softly) Perhaps fate has woven our paths together again. There's a story here, a reunion with echoes of the past. I must welcome this journey with an open heart.


Y/N stands in her balcony, the moonlight casting a soft glow on her tear-streaked face. She looks up at the stars and begins to speak softly.

Y/N: (whispering) Mom, Dad, it's been a day filled with twists and turns. I met Jungkook, and there's something about him, something familiar yet unknown.

She leans over the railing, feeling the cool night breeze against her skin.

Y/N: (contemplative) Today, my heart responded to him in a way it never has before. It felt like finding someone I've been searching for, but it can't be... can it?

She wipes away a tear, gazing at the moon as if seeking answers from the sky.

Y/N: (nostalgic) Remember, Mom, how we used to talk about soulmates and destiny? I never thought I'd experience such emotions.

Flashback to Little Y/N and her mother sitting under the stars.

LITTLE Y/N: (innocent) Mom, what's a soulmate?

MOTHER: (gentle) A soulmate is someone special, a connection that goes beyond words. It's like finding a piece of your heart in someone else.

LITTLE Y/N: (curious) How do you know when you've found your soulmate?

MOTHER: (smiling) Your heart will tell you. It will feel like home.

LITTLE Y/N: (excited) Do you have a soulmate, Mom?

MOTHER: (softly) Yes, and you'll find yours too, my love.

Back in the present, Y/N reflects on these conversations.

Y/N: (nostalgic) Mom, Dad, those talks about soulmates always made me believe in something extraordinary.

The stars overhead seem to listen as Y/N continues her quiet conversation with the past.

Y/N: (thoughtful) I miss our talks. I wish you were here with me now, guiding me through this unexpected journey.

The stars twinkle above, and Y/N continues to pour out her thoughts.

The night embraces her, and Y/N takes a deep breath.

Y/N: (whispering to the stars) Is this the magic you always spoke of? Or am I just lost in a dream that will fade away?

She closes her eyes, letting the midnight breeze carry her words to the cosmos.

Y/N: (softly) Whatever it is, I'll face it with an open heart. Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad.

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