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"I want you so badly but it might kill me"

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Grandma: (noticing the tension) Now, now, let's keep the atmosphere pleasant. Y/N, dear, how was your day?

Y/N: (smiling) It was great, Grandma. I spent some wonderful time with you and Yuna's just adding to the joy.

(Yuna rolls her eyes, unimpressed.)

Grandma: (to Yuna) How about you, Yuna? How's everything?

Yuna: (mumbling) Fine.

(As they start to eat, the room is filled with a mixture of awkwardness and suppressed irritation. The dinner continues with occasional forced small talk. Jungkook, trying to ease the tension, initiates a conversation about Grandma's favorite topic - childhood stories.

Jungkook: (smiling) Grandma, do you remember the story you told us about your adventurous youth?

Grandma: (brightening up) Oh, yes! Those were the days. Y/N, have I ever shared those stories with you?

Y/N: (shaking her head) No, Grandma, I'd love to hear them!

(The atmosphere lightens a bit as Grandma starts narrating her youthful adventures, but Yuna remains visibly displeased.)

Grandma: (nostalgic) Back in my youth, life was full of excitement. I had a dear friend, someone I cherished deeply. We had countless adventures together.

Y/N: (engaged) That sounds wonderful, Grandma. Tell us more.

Grandma: (smiling) Well, there was this one time when we decided to go on a spontaneous road trip. We had no plans, no destination, just the thrill of the unknown.

Jungkook: (intrigued) A road trip with no destination? That sounds like something out of a movie.

Grandma: (laughing) It felt like one, indeed. We stumbled upon some towns, met interesting people, and created memories that still warm my heart.

(As Grandma continues her storytelling, Y/N and Jungkook become captivated by the tales of her adventurous past. The tension in the room gradually reduces, and even Yuna seems momentarily distracted from her frustration.)

Namjoon: (grinning) Grandma, your stories are inspiring. Makes me want to embark on a spontaneous road trip.

Jimin: (chuckles) Yeah, and maybe find some hidden gems like you did.

Hobi: (enthusiastic) Count me in for the next road trip adventure! I'll bring the snacks.

Tae: (smirking) I can already imagine the fun we'd have. Let's make it happen!

(As the dinner progresses, Namjoon, Jimin, Hobi, and Tae share their own anecdotes, contributing to the joyous atmosphere. However, the tension between Yuna and the others remains palpable.)

Y/N: (whispering to Jungkook) Your friends are so much fun. I'd love to go on a road trip with all of you someday.

Jungkook: (smiling) That sounds like a plan. We'll make it happen.

Grandma: (excited) kidss, Let's capture this lovely moment in a photo!

(As the dinner progresses, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed, thanks to Grandma's engaging stories. However, there's an underlying tension between Yuna and the others, especially Jungkook. After dinner Grandma insists on a group photo. everyone gathers for a group photo. Y/N stands beside Jungkook, feeling a sense of belonging with this newfound group of friends while jungkook puts his arm around Y/N, and Grandma holds them close whereas yuna giving her bombastic fuming side eyes to y/n nd jungkook . The photo captures smiles, laughter, and a shared bond.)

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