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"With you, I am home no matter where I am."

Y/N's room

Y/N groggily blinked awake, her mind slowly catching up with the idea that she was in Bora Bora. Stretching out in the cozy bed of her room, she glanced at the clock – 7 AM. The sun was already up, casting a warm glow through the sheer curtains. They must have arrived not too long ago, she thought, remembering the early morning landing.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Y/N decided it was time to start the day. They were supposed to meet downstairs soon after a quick nap to get ready for their first adventure-filled day on the island. She threw on a white loose shirt over blue shorts, opting for comfort in the tropical heat.

 She threw on a white loose shirt over blue shorts, opting for comfort in the tropical heat

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As she descended the stairs, the villa was quiet. Only a few early risers were up – Hye-jin and Ji-eun were chatting in the lounge, Namjoon engrossed in something on his phone while Jin sipped on a cup of coffee by the window.

Y/N: (yawning) Morning, guys. Anyone seen the others yet?

Jin: (smiling) Good morning, Y/N. I think everyone else is still catching up on sleep. You're up early.

Namjoon: (looking up from his phone) Yeah, we've got some time before the others wake up.

Hye-jin: (playfully) You look like you're ready to conquer the day already, Y/N.

Ji-eun: (nodding) I wish I could wake up that fresh.

Y/N: (grinning) It's the excitement, I guess. Can't wait to hit the beach.

They chatted for a bit longer until the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen drew their attention. Soon, the aroma of coffee filled the air, and the rest of their friends began to trickle downstairs one by one, still rubbing the sleep from their eyes but excited for the day ahead.

Soobin: (stretching) Morning, everyone! Feels good to be in paradise, doesn't it?

Felix: (grinning) Definitely beats waking up to an alarm clock.

Eunwoo: (smiling) Morning, guys. Did I miss anything exciting?

Y/N: Just getting ready to head out. Breakfast smells amazing though.

Amidst the chatter and clinking of plates, Jimin and Hye-jin's familiar bickering kicked off the morning. It started with a harmless comment from Hye-jin about Jimin's fashion choices, to which Jimin retorted with a playful jab at Hye-jin's love for dramatic entrances.

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