Chapter: 12 GLIMPSE

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"In their story, they were two puzzle pieces, perfectly fitting, but belonging to different puzzles."


Y/N diligently engages in her medical practice, absorbed in the world of healthcare as she navigates her final year of studies. The center buzzes with activity as students and practitioners alike immerse themselves in various medical procedures and patient consultations.

Y/N: (to a fellow student) Have you reviewed the latest research on cardiovascular diseases? I think it could be relevant to our case study.

STUDENT: (nodding) Yes, I've been looking into it. I'll share my findings with you later today.

Y/N nods appreciatively, her thirst for knowledge evident in her eagerness to collaborate and learn from her peers.

Y/N: (approaching a senior resident) Excuse me, Dr. Park. I was wondering if you could walk me through the proper technique for administering intravenous medication.

DR. PARK: (smiling) Of course, Y/N. Let's go over it together.

As Y/N delves deeper into her medical training, she approaches each task with determination and focus. Her dedication to honing her skills is evident as she seeks guidance from experienced practitioners and engages in hands-on learning experiences.

Y/N: (to herself, reviewing a medical chart) This patient's symptoms seem to align with a potential autoimmune disorder. I'll need to conduct further tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Y/N diligently focuses on her medical practice, surrounded by the hum of activity in the center. Suddenly, a group of girls enters, led by a confident and assertive leader chewing gum, a clear violation of the center's rules.

LEADER GIRL: (loudly, chewing gum) Well, well, well, if it isn't little miss perfect.

The other girls giggle as they surround Y/N, their presence imposing.

Y/N remains composed, her expression unwavering despite the provocation.

Y/N: (calmly) Is there something I can help you with?

LEADER GIRL: (sneering) Oh, I doubt it. We just came to see the show. Heard you're quite the entertainer.

Y/N narrows her eyes, her patience wearing thin.

Y/N: (firmly) This is a medical practice center. I suggest you show some respect or leave.

LEADER GIRL: (tauntingly) Ooh, look who's got a backbone. But we all know what you really are, don't we? A little slut who's found herself a hot piece to keep her warm at night.

The girls snicker at the insult, but Y/N's facade cracks, anger simmering beneath the surface.

Y/N: (through gritted teeth) You fucking have no idea what you're talking about.

LEADER GIRL: (smirking) Oh, I think I do. And trust me, we're all dying to meet your little plaything, like- we just seeing him picking you up from the centre and dang! just what a sexy peice he is.

Y/N's fists clench at her sides, her gaze burning with intensity as she struggles to maintain her composure in the face of such blatant disrespect.

Y/N takes a deep breath, regaining her composure as she squares her shoulders, refusing to let the bullying get to her.

Y/N: (steadily) You have no right to speak to me like that and its my personal so kindly keep yourself out of it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do.

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