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"Known as a ruthless demon, he surprised everyone when she came into his life, and so..he chose patience just to see her smile."

As the sun sets over Bora Bora, casting a golden glow across the serene landscape, everyone gathers in the lounge area. Laughter and chatter fill the air, creating a warm and lively atmosphere. The group is spread out comfortably, some lounging on chairs, others seated on the floor with cushions, all enjoying the evening together.

Y/N: "So, what should we do tonight? Any ideas?"

Hye-jin: "How about a bonfire on the beach? We can roast marshmallows and tell stories."

Jin: "I like the sound of that. It's been a while since we've had a proper bonfire."

Jimin: "Count me in! I can bring the guitar and we can have some music too."

Taehyung: "Perfect! We can make it a beach party. I'll handle the decorations."

Yuna: "This is going to be fun! Right jungkook!!?"

Jungkook: "uh- yeah i guess"

Felix: "I'll take care of the firewood. We'll need a good amount to keep the fire going."

Jungkook (listening quietly, finally speaks up) : "Sounds like a solid plan. Everyone knows what they need to do. Let's make this a memorable night."

Namjoon: "We should also make sure to stay alert. We don't want any unexpected surprises."

Sana: "Agreed. We can enjoy ourselves while staying vigilant."

As everyone gets up to start preparing for the bonfire, Jungkook catches Y/N's eye and gives her a reassuring nod. She smiles back, understanding the unspoken message: they'll have fun, but they'll also be ready for anything.

Yoongi: "I'll set up some extra lights around the area, just in case."

Hye-jin: "Great idea. We'll need some ambiance and it'll help us see better."

As the preparations continue, the group moves with a sense of purpose and excitement.

Jungkook found himself musing over the unusually calm day so he just sat down for awhile on the sand a bit afar from the group facing the ocean. He had expected some sort of disturbance or a sign of trouble, given their situation with EXO and the delicate balance of their alliances. Yet, the day had passed without incident, which left him both relieved and wary.

Jungkook: "It's been quiet all day. Too quiet..."

He glanced around at his team, all relaxed and enjoying themselves by the bonfire. His thoughts raced with possibilities—was it a calm before the storm or just a rare peaceful interlude in their turbulent world?

Namjoon noticed Jungkook's contemplative expression and walked over, sensing his unease.

Namjoon: "Something on your mind, Jungkook?"

Jungkook: "Yeah... It's just... today has been too smooth. No threats, no alerts. It's not like EXO to stay quiet."

Namjoon: "Maybe they're waiting for the right moment. We should stay vigilant."

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