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"And if I got my eyes on you, it's like the world fades away, and all I see is you."


As we pulled back slowly, our eyes locked in a moment of uncertainty. In that fleeting second, I saw a reflection of my own confusion in Jungkook's gaze. What was this stirring in my heart? I had sworn to myself I wouldn't fall again, but here I was, being on the edge of something I couldn't define. Was it love? No, it couldn't be. Not so soon. But then, why did his touch feel like home?


Jungkook's mind raced as he looked into Y/N's eyes, searching for answers he couldn't quite grasp. This wasn't supposed to happen, not now, not like this. Yet, as her soft lips lingered on his, he couldn't deny the warmth spreading through his chest. It was confusing, this pull towards her, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. Was it too soon to feel this way? Too soon to care? He wasn't sure, but one thing was certain - he didn't want to let her go. Not now, not ever.


As we pulled away, a sense of awkwardness settled between us, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air.

Y/N: clears throat " was pretty good."

Jungkook: nods, a hint of uncertainty in his voice "i-uh- thanx."

The cheers of the crowd around us only amplified the discomfort, their enthusiastic applause contrasting sharply with our bewildered expressions.

Y/N: forcing a small smile "Well, um... we should probably, uh, get back to our seats."

Jungkook: nodding quickly "Right, yeah. Let's do that."

As we made our way back to our seats, the din of the crowd still ringing in our ears, it was clear that neither of us knew quite what to say or how to act. The moment had passed, leaving us both adrift in a sea of uncertainty.



Jungkook engaged in conversation with Taeyong, His words were precise, his tone measured, as he discussed business matters with his counterpart. Despite the gravity of their discussion, there was an underlying softness in his voice whenever he glanced over at Y/N, who remained by his side, engrossed in her phone.

Jungkook: addressing Taeyong "Yes, the projections for the next quarter are promising. We anticipate a significant increase in revenue."

Taeyong: nodding "I see. And what about the logistics for the new acquisition?"

Jungkook: responding with authority "We're in the process of finalizing the details. Everything should be in place within the next week."

While Jungkook's attention was focused on the conversation at hand, he couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, his gaze softening each time it met hers. Despite the facade of professionalism he maintained, there was a warmth in his eyes whenever they fell upon her.

As the discussion between Jungkook and Taeyong progressed, Taeyong couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N whenever he thought Jungkook wasn't looking. His eyes lingered on her figure, admiring her beauty and grace.

Taeyong: casually "Your companion seems quite... captivating, mr. jeon."

Jungkook: ice cold "Indeed, but I'd advise against getting too captivated, mr. Taeyong. I don't take kindly to wandering eyes, especially when it concerns my lady."

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