CH-22 : Tease you, Protect you

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"He never says it out loud, but she's his and he's not letting anyone forget it

The room echoed with the rhythmic thudding of fists against leather. Min Gyu, drenched in sweat, was pounding away at a boxing bag. He threw another powerful punch, the bag swaying violently in response. His knuckles were raw, but the pain was a welcome distraction from the chaos of his thoughts.

Min Gyu: (chuckling darkly) "Y/N and Jungkook think they can outsmart me? They have no idea what's coming."

His mind was a whirlwind of images and memories, each one stoking the flames of his rage. He thought of Y/N, Jungkook, and the tangled web of deception and betrayal that had brought him to this breaking point.

Min Gyu: (laughing) "I can't wait to see their faces when everything falls apart."

With a final, bone-jarring punch, he sent the bag flying off its chain, crashing to the floor with a resounding thud. He stood there, panting heavily, staring down at the bag as if it were the embodiment of all his problems.

Min Gyu: (breathing heavily) "I need to stay focused. I can't let my emotions control me."

He wiped the sweat from his brow, his expression hardening with resolve. He couldn't afford to lose control now. Too much was at stake.

Min Gyu: (muttering to himself) "I have to find a way to turn this around. I need to outsmart them. I need to be stronger, smarter, and more ruthless."

As he stood there, catching his breath, the door to the training room creaked open. In walked one of his most trusted associates, Lee Joon, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

Tae yong: "b-br-brother, we've got a situation. It's about Y/N and Jungkook."

Min Gyu: (narrowing his eyes) "What is it now?"

Tae yong: "They're getting closer. If we don't act soon, everything we've worked for could be in vain."

Min Gyu: (smirking) "Let them. The closer they get, the more it'll hurt when we tear them apart."

Tae yong: (surprised) "You're happy about this?"

Min Gyu: "Of course. They think they're invincible together. But they'll soon learn that their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness."

Tae yong: "What's the plan?"

Min Gyu: "We wait. We let them get as close as they can. We let them build their little world, and just when they think they're safe... we strike. They'll never see it coming."

Tae yong: "Understood. I'll keep an eye on them."

Min Gyu: "Good. Let them have their moments. Let them think they've won. It'll make their fall all the more satisfying. and also do one thing!" *Smirks*


Tae yong: "Consider it done."

As Tae yong left to make preparations, Min Gyu turned back to the fallen boxing bag. He knew the path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was ready. He had to be. For his sake, and for the sake of everything he held dear.

Min Gyu: (whispering to himself) "They have no idea what's coming. I'll make sure of that."


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