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"And she loved nothing in this world except the thought of living with him, for he was the sun in her dark world, providing her with light, the shine he only included in his self for his lady"

- lovely Reader

Yuna: (grinning evilly) "Guess what, Dad? That oldie invited me to that trip! This is my chance to get closer to Jungkook and finally put that bitch Y/N in her place. Jungkook will be mine in every way possible."

??? (Yuna's Dad): "Don't get too excited. Y/N will be there too."

Yuna: (furious) "What? That girl again? This is unacceptable! You have to do something, Dad. Order Tae Yong and Min Ho to end Y/N's game there. I won't tolerate her presence."

??? (Yuna's Dad): (sighing) "You know Min Ho doesn't listen to anyone, not even me. But I'm sure they'll do something. I'll talk to them, but you need to be patient."

Yuna: (impatiently) "I can't wait any longer! If they don't handle her, I will. Jungkook will be mine, and she won't stand in my way."

??? (Yuna's Dad): "Calm down, Yuna. Let me handle this. I'll speak to them, and we'll make sure everything goes according to plan."

Yuna: (smirking) "You better, Dad. This is my chance, and I won't let her ruin it. Jungkook belongs to me, and I'll make sure he knows it."

Yuna ends the call, her mind racing with schemes and plots to ensure Y/N is out of the picture once and for all. She imagines herself with Jungkook, finally having him all to herself.

Yuna: (muttering to herself) "Jungkook will be mine. Y/N thinks she can just waltz in and take what's meant for me? Pathetic. She doesn't know who she's dealing with."

Yuna paces around her room, plotting and scheming.

Yuna: "This trip is my perfect opportunity. I'll make sure Jungkook sees me, really sees me and only me. I know how to play this game. I've been playing it all my life. And Y/N...she's just a minor obstacle."

She pauses, thinking about her plans.

Yuna: "I'll make sure to be the perfect companion. Sweet, caring, understanding. Everything Jungkook needs. And Y/N, I'll push her buttons, make her show her true colors. Jungkook will see how unworthy she is."

Yuna's eyes glint with malice as she imagines her victory.

Yuna: "And if Tae Yong and Min Ho can't handle her, I will. I'll make sure she's out of the picture for good. She won't know what hit her. Jungkook will see that I'm the only one for him, and Y/N will be nothing but a distant memory."

She smirks, satisfied with her plans.

Yuna: "Get ready, Y/N. Your days with Jungkook are numbered. This is my game, and I always win."


???: (muttering to himself) "Everything is falling into place...just as I planned."

The man stands by the window, gazing out at the cityscape with a calculating expression. This is Lee Jong Hyun, a man with a dark past and an even darker heart. His story is one of ambition, manipulation, and cruelty.

Lee Jong Hyun, an orphan turned playboy, frequented stripper clubs, indulging in pleasure without remorse. Among the many women he entertained, one stood out—Choi Eun Ae. She was the most beautiful stripper in the club, captivating Jong Hyun's attention like no other. For the first time, he found himself on his knees, begging for her love.

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