Chapter 6 ENTRY

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"In a world that may pull us apart, my heart remains tethered to yours, a silent promise echoing through the distances of time and space."

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The room is bathed in the soft glow of morning light. Jungkook, disheveled from an eventful night, is jolted awake by the persistent ringing of his phone. He fumbles for it, squinting at the screen. Jimin's name flashes in bold letters.

JIMIN: (excitedly) Jungkook! You won't believe who's here.

Jungkook, still groggy, sits up in bed.

JUNGKOOK: (rubbing his eyes) What? Who?

JIMIN: Your grandma, man! She just arrived. You gotta get down here.

Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise, the fog of sleep dissipating instantly.

JUNGKOOK: (hurriedly) Grandma? Here?

Jimin's voice crackles with amusement on the other end.

JIMIN: Yeah, she said it's been too long, and she wanted to surprise you. Get ready, she's waiting downstairs.

Jungkook, now fully awake, scrambles to his feet. The prospect of his grandma's unexpected visit brings a mix of joy and curiosity.

JUNGKOOK: Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes.

He quickly dresses and heads downstairs, his mind buzzing with anticipation. Little does he know, this surprise visit is about to unveil more than just family warmth.


Jungkook descends the staircase to find his grandma, sitting on the couch. She looks up, her eyes sparkling with love.

GRANDMA: (smiling) Jungkook, my dear boy! Come here.

Grandma, with a gleam in her eye, clutches a photo album. Jungkook, still reeling from the revelations, tries to grasp the situation as his grandma flips through the pages.

GRANDMA: (smiling) Jungkook, my dear boy! Come here.

Jungkook, a bit bewildered, approaches his grandma, ready to embrace the warmth of family.

JUNGKOOK: (smiling) Grandma, what's all this?

GRANDMA: (excitedly) Just reminiscing the good old days, my boy.

She opens the photo album, revealing pictures from Jungkook's childhood and family events.

GRANDMA: (sincerely) I'm getting old, Jungkook. It's time you settle down, start a family.

JUNGKOOK: (playful) Grandma, you sound like Mom.

GRANDMA: (laughs) Well, mothers and grandmothers have the same wish, don't they?

Jungkook chuckles, enjoying the simplicity of the moment.

JUNGKOOK: (teasing) Any particular reason for this sudden family album session?

GRANDMA: (mischievously) Maybe I have someone in mind.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, curiosity sparking in his eyes.

JUNGKOOK: (intrigued) Someone? Grandma, you're matchmaking now?

GRANDMA: (nodding) Why not? I want to see you happy. Now, let me show you a picture.

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