Chapter 7: Connectionss

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"Love you like the stars love the night, endlessly and with a timeless glow."

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──


Y/N stands in front of the mirror, getting ready for the day. She adjusts her outfit, a thoughtful expression on her face. Her phone buzzes, indicating an incoming call. It's Hye-jin. Y/N answers with a smile.

Y/N: (cheerful) Hey, Hye-jin! What's up?

HYE-JIN (over the phone): (panicking) Y/N! Oh my gosh, are you okay? What happened last night? I heard there was some kind of incident!

Y/N: (calming her down) Hye-jin, slow down! I'm fine, really. It's a bit blurry, but Jungkook came to the rescue. I think I'm safe.

HYE-JIN (over the phone): (relieved) Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried. What happened exactly?

Y/N: (sharing details) Well, I was at the club, and suddenly, this man... he took me to a private room. It's a bit fuzzy after that, but I think someone called Jungkook. I don't know if you did it, but he appeared out of nowhere like a superhero.

HYE-JIN (over the phone): (teasing) Oh, really? A mysterious hero coming to your rescue? It sounds like something out of a romantic movie.

Y/N: (playfully) I know, right? more like a cool dude in a leather jacket, who totally saved the day!

HYE-JIN (over the phone): (teasing) Are we in the middle of a love story here? Did he charm you away?

Y/N: (sarcastic) Oh, absolutely. We rode off into the moonlight on his motorcycle. You know, the usual.

HYE-JIN (over the phone): (laughing) You've got to spill the details when you get back. I need all the juicy gossip!

Y/N: (smiling) Will do, Hye-jin. Thanks for checking up on me.

HYE-JIN (over the phone): So, when are you planning to catch up with us again?

Y/N: (thoughtful) I'm feeling much better now, so I'll see if I can make it back today. 

HYE-JIN (over the phone): (excited) Yes, please!! we were so worried that we even started tracking your locations and all but suprisingly didnt got anything. ha- nevermind, Now just Can't wait to hear everything out.

Y/N: (chuckles) I'll be back soon, promise. Take care, Hye-jin.


The conversation wraps up, leaving Y/N with a smile on her face.

In the corridor, Y/N was lost in her thoughts, contemplating whether to head downstairs or not. As she took a step forward, she stumbled upon someone—a girl she didn't recognize, and it seemed the feeling was mutual. Before Y/N could apologize, the girl, Lee Yuna, began yelling at her.

Yuna: (angry) Watch where you're going! Are you blind?

Y/N: (apologetic) I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. My bad.

Yuna: (impatient) Your bad? Learn to walk properly!

Y/N, initially trying to keep her composure, felt a surge of annoyance. She decided to respond with firmness.

Y/N: (calm, but assertive) I said I'm sorry, no need to be rude.

Yuna: (snarky) Whatever. Just be careful next time.

The short meeting left Y/N a bit confused, and she continued down the corridor, wondering about the unfamiliar girl who seemed to have an attitude problem.

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