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"Nothing ever scared me, until you came into my life and made me fear losing you."


The flames seemed to consume everything in their path, turning the once cozy retreat into a hell. Jungkook's vision blurred, tears streaming down his face as he navigated the smoke-filled rooms. The fear gripping his heart was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. 

The Great Mafia King was afraid—

afraid of?

losing his y/n- his mon chéri.

afraid of failing to save the one person who mattered most to him.

Jungkook: (voice cracking) Y/N! Where are you?

He pushed forward, heading in a particular direction, hoping it would lead him to the kitchen. The flames roared around him, the heat almost unbearable. His vision was already blurred by tears and smoke. 

Jungkook: (desperately) Y/N!

He reached the kitchen, but it was engulfed in flames. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a reminder of how little time he had. There was no sign of her. Panic surged through him, making his movements frantic and erratic. 

He had to find her. He had to.

Jungkook: (determined) Hang on, Y/N. Please hang on.

He moved to another direction, his calls growing more urgent. The house groaned, threatening to collapse at any moment. Pushing a door open, he found himself in the storage room, where snacks were usually kept. The door itself was on fire, but he forced his way in, ignoring the searing pain.

Jungkook: (shouting) Y/N! Where are you?

His eyes searched desperately, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Then, through the haze and the smoke, he saw her. 

Y/N was lying on the ground, a large piece of wood pinning her down. Tears streamed down his face as he rushed to her side, his heart breaking at the sight.

Jungkook: (choking on his sobs) Y/N! No, no, no...

He knelt beside her, his hands trembling as he tried to lift the wood off her. It was heavy, but adrenaline and sheer desperation gave him strength. He managed to push it aside, his heart racing as he checked her for any signs of life.

Jungkook: (whispering) Y/N, please... Wake up. Please...

The house creaked ominously, and the flames roared louder, but Jungkook didn't care. All that mattered was saving her. He lifted her gently, cradling her in his arms as he stood up, holding her close to his chest.

Jungkook: (murmuring) I've got you. I'm not letting go.

As Jungkook burst through the door, carrying Y/N in his arms, the scene outside the retreat was one of chaos and despair. The fire illuminated the night, casting an eerie glow over the terrified faces of their friends.


Ji-eun: (frantically) We need to do something! We can't just stand here!

Suga: (holding her back gently) Ji-eun, we need to let the professionals handle this. They're on their way.

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