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"While the world may bow before him, he humbly bows before his lady, recognizing her as the true queen of his heart."


As Jungkook delved into his busy schedule at Jeon Enterprises, his mind was consumed with thoughts of the recent events.

Jungkook: "Soobin, please reschedule the meeting with the finance department to tomorrow morning. I need some time to review the reports."

Soobin nodded dutifully, jotting down the changes on his tablet.

Soobin: "Of course, Mr. Jeon. I'll take care of it right away."

after awhile, Jungkook glanced up briefly, his expression unreadable. As Soobin approached Jungkook with a folder in hand.

Soobin: "Mr. Jeon, here are the updated projections for next quarter's revenue. I've also prepared the agenda for the board meeting tomorrow."

Jungkook accepted the folder, offering a polite nod of acknowledgment.

Jungkook: "Good, Soobin. I'll review these shortly."

As Soobin turned to leave, Jungkook's curiosity got the better of him.

Jungkook: "Soobin, if you don't mind me asking... Is everything alright? You seemed a bit off earlier."

Soobin hesitated for a moment, his usual composure faltering slightly.

Soobin: "It's nothing, sir. Just some personal matters. I assure you, it won't affect my work."

Jungkook nodded, though the unease persisted of. He made a mental note to keep an eye on Soobin, sensing that there might be more to the situation than met the eye.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over the city, Jungkook's phone buzzed with a new notification. He picked it up, glancing at the screen to see a message from an unknown number.

'I have to tell jungkook about this'

Unknown Number: Hey Jungkook..., Hyejin here — Y/N's bestie 🎀. Wanted to talk to you about some serious things face-to-face.

Jungkook's brows furrowed in suspicion. He quickly typed a response.

Jungkook: How did you get my number?

The reply came almost instantly.

Unknown Number: Just a sneak-peak in y/n's phone. 😇

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair. He debated for a moment, then decided it was best to meet Hyejin and see what she had to say.

Jungkook: Where do you want to meet?

Unknown Number: There's a café called Mocha Delight near Han River. Meet me there in an hour.

Jungkook pocketed his phone, the sense of unease growing stronger. He informed his assistant, Soobin, that he would be stepping out for the evening and headed out of the office.

At Mocha Delight, Jungkook scanned the room for Hyejin. He spotted her at a corner table, her expression serious as she fiddled with her phone. He approached, taking a seat across from her.

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