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"You thought this is what I wanted?" Alex barks, his voice slicing through the tense silence like a blade.

"Yes. I tried to tell you the dress wasn't appropriate, but you threatened to come in and put it on for me, so I had to wear it," I explain, hoping that he sees I didn't choose this dress on purpose.

Alex releases a dark chuckle that sends shivers down my spine before he speaks again. "So, you're telling me my pack arranged for you to wear this fucking excuse of a dress?" His voice takes on a different tone, filled with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

I nod, too frightened to utter a word, my heart pounding in my chest as I navigate the unpredictable shifts in his demeanor.

"Maybe the clerk made a mistake. I don't know," I add after a pregnant pause, hoping to diffuse the tension. Alex lifts a brow, tilting his head slightly as he stares at me intently. I nod once again, silently pleading for him to believe me and let me go. As much as I enjoy our closeness, his shifting moods are difficult to handle, and his current anger is making me feel uneasy.

"Really," Alex murmurs, his voice low and husky, as one of his hands releases my wrist and begins to trail slowly down my arm. Goosebumps erupt along my skin in response to his touch, and I swallow hard, suddenly feeling breathless.

"Yes," I rasp out, my voice barely above a whisper, my eyes widening as Alex's hand comes to rest on my exposed thigh. The revealing dress clings to my curves like a second skin, its fabric sheer and diaphanous, leaving little to the imagination. Slits run up each thigh, exposing swathes of skin, and the neckline plunges dangerously low, teasing the edges of modesty.

I gasp as his touch sends a jolt of electricity coursing through me, my knees weakening under the weight of his gaze. Instinctively, I try to pull my legs together, but Alex only spreads them wide open, his hand resting possessively on my core. Panic surges through me, my mind racing as I cry out inwardly.

"What in the moon goddess's name is Alex doing?" I wonder frantically, my gaze lifting to the ceiling as if seeking divine intervention. I attempt to free my hand from his grip above my head, but he only tightens his hold, pressing me against the wall with a firmness that leaves me powerless to resist.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Alex's voice is a low, seductive whisper as he brushes his knuckles across my throbbing core. I gasp, my back arching instinctively in response to the electrifying sensation.

"Weren't you a woman who would do anything for her purpose?" he continues, his lips trailing to my neck. A shiver races down my spine as his breath fans the spot where he is supposed to mark me. My heart hammers in anticipation, every nerve in my body alive with desire as I wait for him to mark me.

Seconds stretch into eternity as he merely stares, sniffing my scent with a predatory intensity that leaves me trembling with anticipation. But to my frustration and confusion, he makes no move to mark me, his intentions shrouded in enigmatic silence.

My breath catches in my throat as Alex suddenly sucks on the skin of my neck, his teeth softly grazing my pulsing vein. My heart races, wondering if he will release his canines and mark me. The mere thought sends my heart pounding faster, but he doesn't, causing a pang of disappointment to surge through me.

Yet, even as my heart aches with unfulfilled longing, Alex's touch sends a jolt of electricity coursing through me, igniting a fire that threatens to consume every inch of my being. With a swift movement, he pushes aside the fabric of my dress, exposing my breast to his hungry gaze. My eyes flutter closed as I feel his warm lips envelop my breast, sucking hard on my already-hardened nipples, his tongue tracing tantalizing patterns against my sensitive flesh.

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