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She glides out of bed with a deliberate, tantalizing sway in her step, each movement stirring an inferno of desire within me. Her touch ignites a wildfire as she stands before me, her nails tracing a scorching path down my chest until they halt at my waist. In an electrifying surge of boldness, she slips her hand into my pants, sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through me.

"Someone's hard already," she purrs, her teasing words laced with a potent allure as she teases me through my boxers.

I seize her hands, locking eyes with her in a desperate attempt to halt her actions before we do something she will regret tomorrow morning. "Wait..." I manage to choke out, my voice thick with longing, but she silences my protest with a seductive stroke, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over me.

"Don't worry, mate. I will take care of you tonight," she reassures me, her voice a sultry whisper as she lowers herself to her knees, her fingers deftly working the buttons of my pants. I watch in rapt fascination as she kneels before me, my pulse racing with anticipation, utterly captivated by the intoxicating sight of her on her knees and the raw desire in her eyes.

She skillfully takes my dick into her mouth, engulfing me entirely with a practiced ease that leaves me gasping for air. I grasp her hair tightly, my fingers entwining in the silky strands as a guttural groan tears from my throat.

"Fuck!" I cry out, overwhelmed by the intensity of sensation as she works her mouth over my dick with a fervent eagerness. Her tongue traces every curve of my dick, her lips moving with a practiced finesse that sends shivers coursing through me. With a daring plunge, she takes me deep into the warmth of her throat, eliciting a moan of pleasure from deep within me.

"Hannah," I moan, my eyes fluttering closed as waves of pleasure wash over me.

"Do you like that?" she murmurs softly, her gaze locking with mine as she peers up at me through her long lashes, a sight that fills me with an overwhelming sense of adoration.

Before I can respond, she resumes her ministrations, her mouth working tirelessly to bring me to the brink of release. But just as I feel myself teetering on the edge, I gently push her back, a surge of determination flooding through me.

"Is something wrong?" she asks, confusion clouding her features.

"No," I reply, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. "I want to cum inside of you," I declare, a primal desire burning within me.

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