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The shrill ring of my phone slices through the silence of the room. With a reluctant groan, I peel back from the warmth of my duvet, the chill of the room prickling my skin as I stretch a hand toward the scattered contents of my purse on the floor. My fingers fumble for the device, the cold touch of the screen against my palm grounding me back to reality.

"Hi, Mom," I croak out, my voice a raspy whisper, raw from the tears that had carved rivers down my cheeks earlier.

"Are you happy now? Are you?" Mom's voice is a sharp bark through the speaker, each word a staccato that makes my brows knit together in confusion.

"What are you talking about, Mom? Is something wrong?" I inquire, my voice laced with concern as I hold the phone to my ear.

"Is something wrong? Did you really just ask me if something is wrong?" Her voice crescendos into a yell that has me pulling the phone away from my ear. "Your sister is fighting for her life in the hospital, and you're asking me if something is wrong."

"Alice is in the hospital? What happened? Is she okay?" I gasp, the shock of her words sending a jolt of disbelief coursing through me.

"Yes, and it's all your fault. Why couldn't you just do as I said? The day was hard enough for your sister. You just needed to make her feel better, not worse."

"What are you talking about, Mom? And which hospital are you at?" I ask on my feet in an instant, my heart thundering against my ribcage. I rifle through my closet, grabbing at clothes with trembling hands. Despite the annoyance Alice often stirs in me, the thought of her in pain twists my insides. I need to see her to understand why she would do this.

"Saint John," Mom snaps, her voice a mix of anger and despair. "And I hope you're coming here to make her feel better, not worse."

"I'll be there shortly," I promise, my mind filled with worry. I don't even understand how I'm at fault for Alice ending up in the hospital fighting for her life, but that doesn't matter now. Once I get to the hospital, I'll deal with everything.

I step out of the cab, and the oppressive weight of the storm-laden sky presses down upon me, the dark clouds roiling above as if in warning. The air is thick with the scent of impending rain, a metallic tang that seems to resonate with the turmoil churning inside me. I hand the cab driver his fare and hurry inside.

The automatic doors of the hospital slide open with a whoosh, a stark contrast to the brewing tempest outside. I'm immediately engulfed by the sterile scent of antiseptic and the soft buzz of fluorescent lights. My heart hammers in my chest, each beat a reminder of Alice's perilous state. I scan the bustling corridor for a nurse, anyone who can guide me to my sister's side.

Spotting a nurse with a clipboard briskly making her way past, I intercept her with a plea for direction. She points me toward the front desk with a sympathetic glance that does little to ease the knot of anxiety in my gut.

As I navigate through the crowd of anxious faces and whispered conversations, I spot Alex' brothers. Intent to find out Alice's whereabouts, I move towards them, but the words freeze on my lips as they turn towards me with a tangible ferocity.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lorenzo's voice is a harsh bark laced with accusation and anger. I'm taken aback, my brows knitting together in confusion and hurt. His tone is accusatory, laced with a venom that suggests I am the cause of this tragedy.

"I just need to know where Alice's room is, please," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rising tide of emotions within me.

"Why do you even want to know?" Cameron's question feels like another blow, his tone equally aggressive.

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