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The rest of the week passes in a blur, mercifully free of Alice's constant attempts to undermine and humiliate me at every turn. But tonight, there's no escaping her - it's the annual company ball, and attendance is practically mandatory.

I managed to secure a stunning replacement dress after the mall fiasco. The fully embellished tulle gown features an abstract crocodile pattern, with black stones cascading over the long sleeves and a sleek skirt. A leather belt cinches my waist, creating an elegant silhouette. I've paired it with understated gold accessories and left my hair down in loose waves, the picture of effortless glamour.

Part of me wanted to skip the event entirely, to just stay home and nurse my wounds in private. But Mila convinced me that after the hellish two weeks I've endured, a night out might be exactly what I need to reclaim some sense of normalcy and control.

The moment I arrive, I snag a drink from a passing waiter's tray, downing it in one desperate gulp. I have a feeling I'll need the liquid courage to survive this night, especially once a certain vapid bitch catches sight of me. Mila excuses herself to greet a few acquaintances, leaving me standing alone in the crowd.

Speak of the devil - I don't even have to wait long before Alice comes marching over, a thunderous scowl twisting her features. Sometimes, I swear she actively seeks me out because, with the way I've been avoiding her, we shouldn't keep crossing paths like this.

"That's my dress," she growls, her eyes flashing with barely-contained rage.

"I believe I'm the original owner," I remind her coolly, refusing to be cowed. The gown I'm wearing is one of the many pieces my parents forced me to give her in the past. I'd recalled it was still in her possession and went to retrieve it from her wardrobe, knowing she would never deign to wear it herself. She didn't even like the style - she just wanted it because it was mine.

"You stole that dress!" Alice accuses, her voice rising to a shrill pitch that draws curious stares from those nearby.

"I can't steal what's rightfully mine," I counter, taking a slow sip of the drink I got from another tray, relishing the burn of the alcohol down my throat.

Suddenly, I feel the contents of my glass splashing across my face, drenching my hair and soaking the delicate fabric of my gown. I gasp in shock, blinking through the stinging liquid to see Alice smirking at me, her hand still raised from knocking the flute against my lips.

"That's what you get for stealing my dress, bitch," she sneers, triumph gleaming in her cold eyes.

My jaw clenches so hard that I fear my teeth might crack from the pressure. My fingers tighten around the stem of the glass until it shatters, slicing into my palm. It's taking every ounce of self-control not to lunge at her and smash her smug face into the nearest wall.

Drawing in a deep, shuddering breath, I turn on my heel and stalk away before I do something I'll regret. In the restroom, I do my best to clean myself up, blotting at the damp patches on my dress and combing my fingers through my sticky, alcohol-soaked hair. Once I'm reasonably presentable again, I square my shoulders and head back out.

I'm halfway to my assigned table when I realize with a sinking feeling that whoever handled the seating arrangements has a twisted sense of humor. Because there, right next to the elegantly calligraphed place card bearing my name, is none other than Alice herself.

I start to turn away, ready to spend the rest of the night on my feet if it means avoiding that harpy's company, when I catch sight of the sly smirk curving her lips. She knew I would rather stand than endure even a moment at her side, and for some inexplicable reason, that realization ignites a spark of defiance in my chest.

I refuse to be so predictable, to let her think she has me all figured out. So I march right over and plant myself in the chair beside her, relishing the way her smug grin morphs into a disbelieving scowl. My own smile widens in response, a silent challenge glittering in my eyes.

But as the evening wears on, I quickly come to regret my impulsive decision to stay. Because Alice wastes no time draping herself all over Alex like a second skin, her hands constantly roaming over his chest and arms, her lips brushing his ear as she whispers and giggles at some private joke.

And Alex...he just sits there, his face an impassive mask, his eyes blank and distant as he endures her pawing. But that almost makes it worse, somehow. Watching her stake her claim on what's meant to be mine so blatantly and without a shred of shame... it's the final indignity I can stomach.

"That's it. I'm fucking done!" I scream, shoving my chair back from the dinner table with such force it nearly topples over. The band's music screeches to a halt, and the entire ballroom falls into a suffocating silence. I'm panting heavily as I fight back, my wolf clawing to be released, to tear Alice apart limb from limb. How did I reach this point of barely contained rage? The way my whole week went is explanation enough, or even just this night alone.

"The wedding is off!" I snarl, whirling away from the table. A chair clatters to the floor as Alex bellows, "What?!" his voice thundering off the walls. I can't decide which is more mortifying - his outburst or the collective gasps from the humans present as they overhear that our wedding has just been called off now.

Heavy footsteps pursue me, but I don't slow my furious stride or turn at their shouts. A large hand suddenly grips my wrist, and I don't need to look to know it's Alex. His scent in the air is enough to tell me it's him.

"Don't touch me!" I scream, wrenching free of his grasp. His eyes flash with hurt, but I'm past caring.

"The wedding isn't off," he states firmly.

"It is, and I don't care how it's going to affect both packs, but it's off," I spit back, blinking back the frustrated tears stinging my eyes. "I am not going to be your Luna while you insult me by having Alice draped over you 24/7. Even the humans think I'm a fucking joke without even knowing what's really happening!"

"Hannah, I know everything seems like Alice and I are..." he begins, but I cut him off with a savage shake of my head.

"Save it," I growl. "I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses."

"Hannah, just listen to me," he pleads, licking his lips as he reaches for my hand again. I clutch them protectively against my chest, recoiling from his touch like its poison. His jaw clenches as hurt flickers across his eyes again, but I'm unmoved.

"You don't have to worry about our parents," I tell him, my voice taking on a soothing tone as I prepare to let him off the hook. "I would make them understand Alice should have been your wife all along."

"No! I don't agree," he yells, shocking me into stunned silence. I'm offering to take the blame, to release him from our forced marriage...and he's rejecting my olive branch? What more could he possibly want from me?

In that moment, I don't care what twisted reasons he has. What I need is more important than anything he desires. With that resolve steeling me, I utter the words without a shred of doubt.

"I, Hannah Kinsley, reject Alex Stone as my mate."

The air around us seems to still, charged by the weight of those words. Alex's eyes widen in disbelief, his scent flooding with shock so palpable it's like a physical blow. But I don't flinch or waver, holding his stricken gaze to show I mean every syllable.

"I reject your rejection," he growls, the words landing like a sucker punch to my gut. My mouth drops open as I gape at him, utterly dumbfounded. What the fuck is wrong with him? Does he derive some sick pleasure from tormenting me? I don't understand why he's so hell-bent on keeping me tethered to his side, to this unendurable anguish.

Shaking my head, I turn on my heel and stalk away, no longer having the strength to fight him on this. His voice follows, calling my name, but I don't pause or look back. I simply keep walking until I reach the front doors, hailing the first cab I see and begging the driver to step on it as fat tears roll down my cheeks. I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally drained by the turmoil Alex is putting me through. When will this unrelenting pain end?

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